Day: January 12, 2008

New Video Update…& Some Fun In the Desert!

Good morning..and a beautiful morning it is! Another awesome sunny Arizona day! I did go out and play for a few hours in the desert yesterday was fun! I added a few pics to share with you all. Sipping on my Bud Light & Clamato drink..yummy! I also thought it would be fun to moon you! hehe! See my tan line that I have been working on. 😉 I have a busy Saturday. I am heading out to the gym shortly…run a few errands…come home and walk my dogs…last but not least ~clean and laundry~ Oh Joy! I will also be adding my new video today…so be sure to check back if it’s not already up. It was super naughty…and super fun! Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy your Saturday!
RachDesert FunButt Moon