~Football Fun~

Good morning …a big happy Saturday to you all! I am feeling a little under the weather today. Ugh!!! Not sure if it is a cold or allergies. My throat hurts and I have a headache from hell! BLAH! I think it is allergies because the change in our weather. It has been cloudy and rainy for three days ..but today the sun is out and 70’s. Nice! I am thinking that is what I need to feel better. 🙂 I started to feel it yesterday so I watched football ALL day. I felt like such a guy. hehe! Only thing I was missing was the pizza and beer. LOL Oh well..next time! I see the Huskers played yesterday and since I was born and raised there I HAD to watch that game. WOW..it was a good game..very exciting! Watching all those cute boys run around on the field is such a special treat. ~yum~ Any ways I am happy to say they did win. I bet the entire state of NE is going nuts! I know how important football is to them. I have been to many of the games and they are sooo much fun. I am planning a Cardinals game soon. And they are actually good this year. woohoo!

I will be chilling around my house again today so I can feel better. I did feel a lot worse yesterday and into last night..so I think I am already starting to feel better. My entire family has had the flu already and I don’t get flu shots so I need to stay healthy and strong!! Time to hit the gym and get back on my healthy diet starting today. I did actually walk on my treadmill yesterday for 30 minutes straight uphill…it was hard considering I had zero energy, but I did it. 🙂

Have a great weekend…ENJOY!

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