Day: February 11, 2009

“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.”

Quote of the day!! Isn’t that the truth? I love that quote, I wanted to share it with you all. I get a new quote every morning when I turn on my computer..and I like that one a lot!
I ended up working ALL day yesterday and into the evening. I put in a lot of work hours which was good. I took my laptop out in the living room to watch some TV last night. I found The Biggest Loser was on. I love that show. Those people are so determined, I think it is great to see them work so hard to achieve their goals. One of the past winners is from Arizona and I met her brother about a month ago. He said she is a health nut ..good for her.
So needless to say I didn’t get any of my errands done yesterday. I am leaving shortly to get them out of the way. The sun is shinning today, such a beautiful crisp morning. I just had to share this pic with you. One ofย  my dogs sleeps on my clothes. Ha! I took off my pj’s (very soft, warm and comfy pj’s) to shower yesterday and he snuggled up on them. It was so cute. He made himself a bed. I don’t blame him..I wouldn’t want to lay on that cold tile either. When you first bring home a new puppy or dog you are supposed to leave them with some of your clothes so they can smell you. Ahhh, isn’t that cute? I love my babies. ๐Ÿ™‚ That is happiness!

Have an awesome day…enjoy your Hump Day! And don’t forget Valentines day is this weekend!! Don’t forget the ones you love!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
