Month: May 2008

**Shooting Today**

Good morning! Happy Saturday..Happy weekend! I am off to shoot a new model today..a very hot beautiful one! Stop by the behind the scenes shoot. I will be around to chat with you all!! Should be a super fun Saturday! Talk soon! Enjoy your weekend!! 🙂

Another rainy day in the desert……..

Good morning …HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!! Yeah..the holiday weekend is “almost” here!! I started my fun last night at my naughty cam show! Thanks to all you that could make it. If you couldn’t..don’t worry..there is always next time!! I will be chatting tomorrow for a bit. We are shooting a new model and we will be broadcasting her shoot live. I will have some extra time to stop by and see this smoking HOT California babe! The rain is supposed to stop and be a beautiful day in the high 70’s. It is still raining today, just sprinkling now…but it did rain super hard for many hours last night. Oooohhhh perfect sleeping weather. I was so snuggled in my big ole comforter surrounded by doggies. was so cute. I am still trying to decide what to do with my day. I already did some cleaning since I won’t be able to do it tomorrow. I probably will run and get some groceries for the weekend…I need to ship some DVD’s and pick up some clothes at the dry cleaners. I might heat the hot tub up tonight and soak for a bit…enjoy a Friday night cocktail. Hey..I just planned my day with you guys..thanks! Have an awesome Friday..enjoy the long holiday weekend!! 😉

~CAM SHOW TONIGHT…Sexy Secretary~

Good morning!! It is such an awesome AZ day! It is cool and rainy. I LOVE IT! After those 100 degree temps, this feels like heaven. I just checked the temp and it is “69” degrees. hehe, perverts! 😉 I shut my a/c off and opened my windows. I know I won’t be doing that for much longer….although it is going to stay in the 80’s all weekend. Yesterday turned out to be so much fun..the shoot went GREAT! Can’t wait to share with you all! I am very much looking forward to my “sexy secretary” cam show tonight, I hope to see you SOON!! I am off to the gym and to my nail appointment shortly. I hope you all have a FANTASTIC day! 🙂

~A super fun day of shooting~

Good morning..happy Hump Day all! I had one of those shitty days yesterday..had some email problems and just couldn’t get it together. I know we all have days like that..good thing I don’t have many. Ugh! I lost some emails so if you are reading this and sent me an email on Sunday or even Monday morning..can you please resend them? Thx! 🙂 it has been HOT HOT HOT here lately…110 plus..record breaking heat. BUT it is going to the 90’s today and even in the 80’s tomorrow. Which is good..not quite ready for those monster electrical bills yet. We are off to shoot a new model today for our new upcoming site!! Should be a super fun day of shooting! I need some fun today after yesterday. 😉 I have scheduled my next members ONLY cam show for this coming Thursday night. It is a sexy secretary show..should be fun and naughty too! Hope you can join me! I hope you all have a fantastic day…go enjoy!