Month: August 2008

*Back from Vegas*

Hey Hey~ Sorry I have not written the past few days. I went to Vegas over the weekend. Wow..I had an absolute riot! It was super fun. Let’s just say I ate way too much yummy food, drank way too many expensive drinks and stayed up way too late. Only thing I didn’t do was gamble. I tried to help a friend gamble, but not sure I was a very good lucky charm. I even got to see what a 10,000 a night suite looks like. NOT my room, a friend of mine stayed there. Some cash for a room, huh? The drive up and back was good, someone drove a little fast at times. Didn’t realize we were going 100-120.. Yikes! Everyone was driving so fast to Vegas…90-95, guess they wanted to get to Sin City for the weekend.
I did take some pics that I will share with you all in the next few days. I love Vegas! It is nice to be home though..I got so much love from my dogs. They would not leave me alone last night, it was adorable. I took a nice hot bubble bath when I got home and crashed around 6:30 on the couch. This girl was tired. I had to wake up early for my dentist appointment. I needed my six month cleaning so it was not too bad. At least my teeth are nice and clean…they shine. I have worked my ass off today..running errands, washing cars, doing laundry and cleaning my house. I see another bubble bath coming tonight. AND perhaps a monster glass of wine.

I had a photo update go up this morning, I hope you will like the photo I picked below. A little short for a dress, but you all know I love showing off my legs. Anything short can never be bad.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend and will have a fantastic week ahead.

*Silly dogs*

Good morning! Happy Hump Day…gotta love the middle of the week!
Did you have a nice Tuesday?? Mine was ok. I did get my hair done which is always a good thing. I went to the pet store to pick up some goodies for my dogs..and their vitamins. I snapped a pic of Josie & Neo chewing their treats all over the carpet. Why do they do that? Why can’t they stay on the tile? Silly dogs! Oh well..they were in heaven and happy dogs..that makes for a happy mom.

I worked until 8:00 last night. I poured a glass of wine and fell asleep on the couch a few minutes after that. I hate when I fall asleep with my contacts in. Ouch! I slept like a baby…very very nice.

I am leaving for a meeting soon. I hired a company to do some work in my yard and I need to finalize all the goodies. I am having a nice Italian meal tonight with my family. Trying a new place. I love Italian food so i am sure it will be wonderful!

I hope you have a great Wednesday! I will see you Friday night, I will be shooting and it will be LIVE. 🙂


Good morning..a big happy Tuesday to YOU! I am leaving shortly for my hair appt..and it is desperately needed. Not much going on with me today. Hair and work. Woohoo..exciting. I do love getting my hair done, it is so relaxing and I get to catch up on the Hollywood drama and gossip in those wonderful magazine. LOL..not that I care ..but it is cheap entertainment.
Hey I did see The Dark Knight ..”Batman” and it was GREAT! I really liked it. If you have not seen it, you must.
I added my new photo update, check it out. I hope you will like it! Don’t I look comfy? I was! 😉

Have an awesome day everyone..I need to get my tushy moving ..I have an hour drive. *yuk*
