Month: December 2008

New Photos Today!!

Hey Hey…a big happy Tuesday to you all! I don’t have time to chat much today, I am heading out to do a little shopping and have lunch! It should be nice and crazy out today..ha!

I added my new update this morning, be sure to check it out. Hope you like the sample photo I picked. *wink*

Enjoy your day and Happy Holidays!

Christmas Week Has Arrived!!!

Good morning..Happy Monday! I just can’t believe Christmas week has arrived. Wow! Here is a dorky pic of me decorating my tree. Ahhh, love the smell of a real tree. 🙂
I hope you all had a great weekend!! Mine was awesome! I worked a lot, but still had time to play a bit. I went to see the movie Four Christmases last night, it was ok. There were some funny parts, but overall I was let down.

I have a busy day Monday. I have to get some work done, make some calls and out the door for more errand running. I will be doing that the next two days. I have a nail appointment and follow up eye exam too. I love love love my new contacts. Scary how blind I have become, yikes~

Have an awesome Monday…and if you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping…you better get going. I am done! I am 100 percent ready 🙂

ENJOY! Kisses…Rach

~Hope you are enjoying your weekend~

Good morning all you wonderful people! How are you on this beautiful Sunday? The sky is so blue today..not a cloud to be seen.
I am a little slow today, think I drank a little too much last night. Ugh..hate when that happens. I went to dinner and the car show with friends last night. It was fun~ Then I invited my friends over for a few cocktails.  I even had my yearly Egg Nog and Southern Comfort drink. Wow, that is so yummy, it is like dessert.
I took a picture last night in front two cars decorated in Christmas lights, I thought that was pretty cool.
Today I am not really sure of my plans yet. I will probably work most of the day and maybe check out a movie tonight. I might have to have a bloody mary for breakfast. lol…Yum~~~~
My best friend Dakota arrives tonight …she is spending the holiday here in AZ! I am sure we will have some fun times together… we always do!
Hope you have a great day! ENJOY!


***Yummy Chicago Pizza***

Good morning, happy Saturday!! The weekend is here so let’s celebrate!! I will be going to dinner and a car show tonight with friends. It probably will be a little nippy outside I was thinking some hot chocolate might be good. (spiked of course) hehe!

A big “Thank You” to Glen for the yummy pizzas!! They came all the way from the windy city to the desert. They sure traveled a long way!! I made one last night for dinner and I have never had pizza like this before. was delicious! I always heard Chicago pizza is the best and I will say IT IS! Thanks Glen, you are a sweetie! Here is their site if you want to check it out.

I hope you all have a great weekend!! Get out and enjoy the holiday season!