Month: January 2009

Have a Great Sunday!!

Good morning! It is a rainy Sunday, which is ok because I have to work today any ways. I need to get some work done today so I can take off tomorrow. I need to go shopping for my upcoming Vegas trip! Woohoo~
My Arizona Cardinals won yesterday…way to go!! All my teams are winning lately…loving that.

I don’t have much time to chit chat today, but wanted to say HI!!!! Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

~Happy Feet~

Good afternoon, happy Saturday everyone! My favorite day of the week is here!! I didn’t sleep very good last night due to a major headache. was a bad one and Advil didn’t help. It always does. Yuk! Needless to say I am tired today. But that’s ok, I am going to relax around my house today and do NOTHING! I am going to snuggle up on the couch and watch TV. I just took a hot bubble bath in my favorite scent of vanilla. (a big thank you to Santa) hehe! I am sipping some hot tea feeling very calm and stress free.

I went shopping a bit yesterday and bought some new polish..can always use new fun polish! I thought this color was cool, black with gold. What do you think..the sparkles of gold are hard to see in the pics. It is a sexy color. We must keep our feet happy through the winter season too! Someone just told me that if you have a bad cough to put Vicks Vapor rub on the soles of your feet before bedtime..and of course put on socks. It is supposed to help ease your cough. Hmm..interesting info. Thanks for the tip “dw”

Have a wonderful day everyone, enjoy your weekend!

**Happy Friday**

Good morning, happy January 2nd! It sure doesn’t feel like Friday..does it? Yesterday felt like a Saturday or Sunday. Everyone was out enjoying the weather. My neighborhood is very quiet and yesterday people were out riding bikes, walking their dogs, was nice to see some humans. lol! I spent some time outside as well. I washed my car, rode my bike and even ran my dogs next to my bike. They loved it. It is going to be another gorgeous day. Did any of you enjoy the football games yesterday? I did! I watched the NE game and was happy to watch them win. I am sure the entire state of NE is is very big in that area.
Today I am off to the gym …I need to start lifting some weights again. All this cardio is ok..but better when mixed with weights. Other than that..a typical work Friday for me.

I hope you will enjoy your day…your weekend!

New Year=New Photos!!

I am excited for 2009, lots of changes happening this year..and actually a lot of them are coming SOON! Stay tuned! 🙂
I hope you had fun last night celebrating the New Year!!! My night was uneventful and quiet, however it was still very peaceful and relaxing. I ate so much junk food that I didn’t even make dinner. I will save those goodies for tonight.
I am not working much today, I need a day off. I am going to pack up all my Christmas decor and put it away until next year. I am going to get in some serious exercise..either ride my bike or jog on the treadmill..or both! I did both yesterday and am feeling strong today. Good thing I only had two drinks last night…no hangover for me! ~yeah~ My New Years resolution is to continue down the healthy path I created in 2008. I am going to kick it up a notch and eat even better..and work out even more! It is going to be a great 2009!
I am posting a picture from my new set that just went up today..I hope you like it!! You can see the rest of the photos in my members area. 🙂
I am sure a lot of you will be watching football today.. ME TOO! There are a few games I want to watch including the Gator Bowl..I must cheer on my Huskers! Once a husker..always a husker~ hehe!
ENJOY the first day of 2009 everyone! I am off to enjoy this beautiful AZ day..69 degrees and sunny today! (nice #) LOL!
