Month: March 2009

The Best Time To Receive Flowers….

The best time to receive flowers ….is for NO reason at all. I think it is awesome to get flowers “just because” reason except “I love you..I am thinking of you…” Some girls have come to expect flowers on Valentines Day, Birthdays…etc… Not me! What good is getting flowers if they are expected? Not a lot of thought into that ..ya know? Any ways..I woke up to some beautiful flowers sitting on my kitchen counter. Aren’t they pretty? I love the colors and they smell so yummy! Ah, that makes me happy. I snapped a couple of photos and two of my dogs just had to be in the pics ..gosh, they are funny! They are so curious with anything new. Ha! Silly dogs! My thought for the day is to just go out and do something nice for someone. Someone you love OR a total stranger…”just reason” I bet it will make you feel good! I bet you can tell I am in a wonderful mood? It is gorgeous outside and I am feeling great. Ready for a nice day ahead.
I really hope you have a fantastic day! Just think the weekend is almost here!!! 😉

My dinner last night was OH SO DELICIOUS! We decided on Mexican food after all. No surprise, my entire family loves it! We had a few margaritas while we waited for our table. The restaurant was packed! We had a 30 minute wait. We wanted to sit outside so it took a while longer. I was happy to see people out spending money …having fun! Always good for the economy. The restaurant has a little pond in the middle of it..and there are tons of ducks, geese and birds …they are hilarious. They are constantly “quacking” ..carrying on. Let’s just say if you want peace and quiet..that is not the place for you.

Enjoy your Thursday everyone!

A blast from the past!!

Happy Hump Day! How are all you awesome people doing today?? Did you survive your St Patty’s Day? Did you go have a green beer for me? Ha! I hope so!! I bet it was yummy! 🙂

I am going through some of my older photo sets this morning..and I realized I need to do more flashing pics. You guys like that..right? I have so much fun doing that. The weather is perfect right now..I will plan some shoots out in public soon! I found this pic that made me laugh. LOL! This was from 2000! Wow..I look different. I spent the day flashing in the midwest when I was visiting. Ha..gosh that was fun! Good memories!

I will be at home working today..have a few little projects that need some attention. Tonight my family is coming over and we are heading out to dinner. Not sure where ?? I mentioned either Mexican or Italian. Yummy! I suppose we will see what sounds good tonight. 🙂
Have a great day everyone! ENJOY!

~Happy St Patty’s Day~

Happy St Patricks Day everyone!! Even though I am not Irish, it is still fun to celebrate!! Any reason to have fun is ok with me!! There are a couple Irish bars not far from my house..and they are getting ready for some serious partying today/tonight.
I was looking through my photos so I could post one today and I have realized I just don’t wear a lot of green. I do love this green summer dress! Green is happy…horny!


Whatever you do on this St Patty’s day..GO HAVE FUN! Have a green beer for me. I don’t think I will be going out to celebrate…well maybe for dinner..some corned beef and cabbage is yummy!

Have a great day everyone! ENJOY!

Have a great Monday!

Hey..good afternoon! Wow..this Monday is flying by..I am keeping very busy. (guess that is why) I thought about taking a nice bike ride around my neighborhood, but remembered I have a flat tire. OOPS! I have the stuff to fix it, I just need to do it. Yes that is the bike I recently bought..didn’t take long for me to get a flat. LOL I never thought I would like blue..but I love it. I am really into the color thing lately. Still searching for that colorful patio furniture too. I am sooo tired of brown, tan, cream..ugh!

It is so beautiful outside..I feel like getting out a bit today. I do have to run a few errands…but was hoping for something more fun. Oh well…work hard this week so I can play over the weekend. 🙂

I wish you all a happy Monday! ENJOY!