Month: June 2009

Thanks again Luis!!

A big thank you to Luis for the beautiful drawing once again! 🙂 I love it!! 🙂

Happy Saturday everyone!! I am taking today off..meeting a girlfriend at the mall for some lunch and a little shopping. It is going to be a great day to get out and enjoy the weather a bit..only in the 90’s. I know that sounds hot, but it is really nice. I hope you all enjoy your weekend!! I have to get my butt moving so I won’t be late. ENJOY your Saturday!


Lots of critters in the desert…….

Good morning!! Sorry I didn’t get a chance to write yesterday. I worked on my laptop in my living room all day and every time I thought about posting, I got distracted . No..I don’t have ADD. ~wink~  I was a little slow from the shoot on Wednesday. HA! We had a lot of fun!! I am feeling good today. I have to run a few errands this morning, but will be back to work most of the day. Nothing too crazy going on this Friday. The weather is supposed to cool back in the 90’s..woohoo! Those 100’s are a killer.  What do I expect ?? I live in the desert. 🙂
Interesting little critters, aren’t they? hehe! These two were hanging out on my front patio last night…creepy, but kind of cute too. lol!
I am off to eat, shower and run my errands…be back shortly. Have a great Friday everyone!!!!


~Off to shoot new hottie for AzianiXposed~

Good morning!! I slept great last night, had a hot cup of tea before bed. I can’t believe how relaxed it makes me feel. I honestly don’t like the taste of or cold. I never drink cold tea..yuk, tastes like dirty water to me. LOL! I would like it more with sugar..but I don’t EVER add sugar to my food..real or fake. Sooo therefore, I suffer through it because I know it is good for me….especially green tea. 🙂
I am off to today to have lots of fun shooting for AzianiXposed..woohoo! I met a new girlfriend recently, she just moved here a few months ago from the East coast..she has a cute accent. She is adorable and I know we will have lots of fun this afternoon. You guys will like her! We are meeting for lunch and will probably go bowling. It is HOT here…106 today so I thought staying indoors was a good idea. 🙂
I hope you have a great day!!! Enjoy your hump hump hump day!

~Congrats to Savage Lin…our Aziani stunt rider~

Good afternoon! I do not know why I make early morning appointments, sounds good at the time. Ugh! I am an early bird, but really don’t like leaving the house until the afternoon. I will have to remember that in the future. I am finally home and starting my morning routine,…etc…

Lin was featured in magazine and even got the centerfold..woohoo, way to go!!! Pretty cool photo! Pretty cool bike! 🙂

I hope you are having a great day..ENJOY!! I need to get to work now.