Month: October 2009

~New Photo Update~

Good morning!! A big Happy Monday to you all!! 🙂 I am sitting in my living room on my laptop and I have my french doors open!! Woohoo, it is so nice to enjoy the weather. Still too hot to turn off the a/c, but SOON! 🙂

Here are a few photos from my new update, I hope you like them!! 😉

I have a busy work I must get going now. ENJOY your Monday!!!

~ I love October ~

Happy Sunday! It is such a beautiful morning! I was up at 6:30 and started my yoga first thing. That felt great! I love mornings! I seriously can not help being a morning person …I think we are programed. I have never been much of a night owl..ask my friends, I am always the first to crash. I am so exciting, I know. lol! I can think better in the mornings…I always took my college classes early..starting at 7:00. People thought I was nuts..well maybe I am! haha!

I am really loving October so far…it is cloudy and 68 today. OMG, what a breath of fresh air from the crazy hot summer heat. Last night was great …grilled out and relaxed outside ..really just enjoying life. The moon was huge and it was cloudy, I tried to take a pic, but it didn’t turn out the best. The moon kept hiding behind the made for some gorgeous scenery! OH and by the way, my kabobs were awesome!! However I am not a fan of green peppers…love the red and yellow. Won’t be buying the green ones again, they are nasty. Tonight I am making a new Chinese recipe that I actually saw on TV. ~yum~

Nothing too crazy going on with me today…going to clean my house, do my laundry, workout and walk my dogs. They will be excited to get out of the house. 🙂

Have a great day everyone!! If you want to say HI, please do!! I am working in my office..and cam is running!


Very happy and relaxed after my massage yesterday! 🙂

Keep your furry friends healthy!!

Happy Saturday everyone!!! Yippee..the weekend is here! I had a busy week so it is time to unwind a bit. I am off to have a massage this afternoon and no real plans after that. I need to get in my cardio for the day and I think I might make chicken kabobs for dinner. The weather is great so it would be a great night to cookout and chill on the patio.

Every time I exercise on my treadmill one of my dogs jumps on it when I am done. I give him 5-10 minutes at a time. He loves it! The other dogs are scared of it. I will have to make a video to show you all. It is hilarious..I say the word “run”..and he takes off to the workout room and stands there until I turn it on. ha, it is really cute! Now that the weather is cooling, I can start walking them again.

I am working on my new photo update today …it should be up soon!!

Have a great day everyone!! 🙂 ENJOY your Saturday!


Have A Wonderful Friday!!!!

Good morning everyone!! Woohooo..Friday is here! It is gorgeous outside…in the 60’s and only hitting the 80’s. Ahhh, I am loving this!! 🙂

I have a busy Friday ahead….get some work done this morning, run some errands, workout and going out for an early dinner. I wanted to try and stay OUT of restaurants while I was on this new diet plan…it is hard to eat out healthy. So I think I will drink a protein shake first and snack on something light. 🙂 Sounds like a plan to me. I can’t cancel.

Here are a few pics of Chica and I partying the other night.

Enjoy your Friday!! Make it great!


Sexxxy feet!!!