Month: May 2010

Have A Happy Thursday!

Good morning world!! I hope you are enjoying your day so far! 🙂 The weekend is almost here..woohoo!

My day is looking good..the only thing I have to do is workout and get some work done in my office. Nice! I am going to leash up my dogs in awhile and take them for a walk. Or should I say they are taking me for a walk? lol! It is cloudy and cool ..perfect time to get out…don’t want to burn up their little paws on the hot cement.

Here are a few photo from my last trip to CA…sexy stuff coming your way soon! 😉

Enjoy your Thursday!

~New Sexy Aziani Model~

Happy Hump Day everyone! I hope you create a great Wednesday!! 🙂 I don’t have too much craziness going on today, which is wonderful. I have to get some work done, hit the gym..and I think I am meeting my g/f for an early dinner. I started a new diet plan yesterday so it might be difficult to eat out. ~Uh oh~ I also started a new workout routine that totally kicked my ass yesterday. Holy shit, I was exhausted! The only way to change your body is to change your exercise routine..mix things up a bit. I am feeling it today. 😉 I am heading to Lake Havasu at the end of the month and want to make sure I am 100 percent ready for my new bikini. Yayyyy can’t wait!

A new model was added to Aziani! Brooke Banner is super HOT…very sexy! She has a certain sex appeal …she has “it!” Check her out here…

Have a fabulous day! ENJOY!

A beautiful Tuesday!

Good morning! 🙂 It is such a beautiful day …80 and sunny. I had to take one of my dogs to the vet this morning at 7:30, which normally is not a big deal because I am always up before that. Well today I slept in until 7:15. oops! It seems to happen that way..ha! He had some teeth pulled awhile back so the doc wanted to follow up and make sure he was doing ok. He is!!! He is such a strong dog…11 years old, but seems so much like a puppy still…so happy and full of energy. Yayy! I love good news! 🙂

I scheduled my members only cam show for next Thursday the 20th!! Mark it down and see you soon!! 😉

Hope you are enjoying your day so far!!


Have A Great Monday!

Happy Monday! I woke up this morning and decided to go out to breakfast. This restaurant is the best, I swear I feel like I am in a different world when I go there. The outside has several water fountains, beautiful flowers, brick walls and floors …it is very old world ..not typical of AZ. A great way to start my Monday!! I have a pretty busy day ahead since I took the weekend off. My weekend was great, I hope yours was too!!! 🙂

ENJOY your Monday!!
