Month: January 2011

Bye Bye Christmas tree…Bye Bye Holidays!

Well… the holidays are over! I am sad to see them go…everything was so great this year!! 🙂 My tree looks as pretty as it did the day I bought it. It was probably the prettiest tree yet. Everyone thought it was fake because it was so perfect. However it wasn’t perfect, I just showed the better side of it. ha! 😉 My new year is starting off good..I am finding myself with a little extra time to relax. I feel like in 2010 I was always in a hurry and rushing around… which of course caused more stress. This year I promised myself to SLOW DOWN!! AND so far…so good! I actually made time to surf around the web last night for some new healthy recipes, I think I printed close to 30 new meal to try! Yay! 2011 is going to be the healthiest year yet! 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!!! 😉


Happy Monday!!

Good morning all you awesome people!! I don’t have much time to chit-chat today. Don’t be sad! lol! Just teasing! I have an appt this morning and am going to run a bunch of errands after that. Get them out of the way early. I am taking the day off the gym, I really abused my body hard this weekend ..and OUCH I feel it. I am going to take my dogs for a walk today..they will like that. 🙂 I went out last night and had the BEST steak salad ever!! Yummm! Came home and sat by the fire pit trying to stay warm. The weather is finally warming up slowly!!! Yay! I am not liking this cold weather. Brrrrrr

I will be back this afternoon working, so if you want to say HI..I would like that a lot!!!

Create a great day!!


~~New Sexy Sybian Video~~

Good morning..happy Sunday everyone!! 🙂 I added my new Sybian video..woohoo!! I never get bored riding one of my favorite sex toys. Mmmm love the way it vibrates my clit sooo strong. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did making it. 😉 A big thank you to “HeyNow” for the sexy black bodystocking. Love love love it..thanks so much!

I started my New Year off right. I hit the gym hard, I did weights and an hour of cardio. It went fast, I have a new audiobook to listen to on my Ipod. I was still pooped out…but glad I did it. I went out to lunch to discuss 2011, both personal and business goals I want to accomplish. It’s a big list!! Shoot big, right? 🙂 I also enjoyed my first Red Bull/Vodka of the year. 😉

Today I am going to workout again..skip tomorrow. The gym was packed yesterday..looks like lots of people made a New Years Resolution to get into shape. 🙂 I am going to take down my Christmas decor and drop my tree to be recycled this afternoon. It is my parents Anniversary today so I need to stop over their house and give them their gift…46 years of marriage!! How awesome is that!!! They are the best, I am so lucky to have such a great family! 🙂

Cheers to the New Year..I hope it has started off GREAT!



A big happy 2011 to all of you!!! Aren’t you excited for a new year ahead!!?? I am!!! 🙂 🙂 I am ready for new things, goals and challenges. That’s what makes us grow. Right? 😉 It is nice waking up feeling strong and energized. Omg, I slept so good last night. I only had one glass of wine …so no hangover for me. This year is going to be a very healthy year for me. Last year was good..but I can do better! I stayed home last night and snuggled up in my warm pj’s and fuzzy slippers. I ate popcorn and rented movies. It was relaxing to say the least…. I very much enjoyed it! 🙂 It is sooooo cold here, it sucks!!! The temps are falling below freezing every night..I am worried about some of my plants and trees. The cold temps are hanging around for a few more days. Ugh! If I remember correctly last year was in the 70’s is only 28 degrees according to my computer. Yikes! Way toooooo cold for my desert bones. lol!

Plans for today? Well I am going to the gym for sure and going to lunch with Buzz. Every year we do a business lunch so we can go over 2010, see what we accomplished or didn’t accomplish. We move forward and start fresh with the new year and personal both. It is very interesting to look back at a list a year old. Things change so fast…especially in the web world.

I would really enjoy watching some of the bowl games today. My brother invited me to the Fiesta Bowl, he is on the committee and I turned away the tickets. I don’t really care who wins… so I didn’t think it would be that much fun considering the cold weather.

I am working on my new video update as we speak!! Check back to see it!! 😉

I wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!!
