Month: February 2011

Happy Happy Tuesday!!!

Good morning!! Feeling “bright-eyed and bushy- tailed” today!! (meaning: full of energy and eager to do things) 🙂 I had such an amazing Valentines Day!! I even made some new friends at the park. LOL! Lots of swans, ducks and geese hanging out. Sooo cute! The weather is so awesome, another gorgeous day here. Some colder temps and rain is coming soon. Blah!

I have a pretty busy work day ahead..and a few other things to take care of. I wish I could play again today..but I can’t. Oh well, this coming weekend I am planning a camping trip. Yay!! It is supposed to snow in the mountains which will make for some great fun! I am so glad I don’t live in the snow, but having it a few hours away rocks! I love Arizona, it is such a great state full of beautiful scenery. When some people think of AZ, they think it is all sand and desert. lol! No way! Just a 2 hour drive up North and you will see lots of mountains covered in Pine trees and much much cooler weather. 🙂

Ok Ok…I have to get back to work now. Sending you all lots of love and happiness today!! Create a great day!

*****Happy Valentines Day Lovers*****

A big Happy V-Day to you all!! I hope you have lots of romance and naughty fun today with your sweetheart!! 😉 I am off to spend the day with mine. I planned a picnic and I want to do a little shopping at the mall. It is supposed to be 80 degrees today. Yay!! A perfect day to lay a blanket down in the park and enjoy a picnic. Enjoy life! 🙂

I have a pretty busy week ahead so I will very much love taking today off. Go celebrate with your girl or guy today..and every day following. 🙂


New Bikini Pics To Warm You Up ;)

Good morning!!! What a beautiful day in the it!! Now that my allergies are gone, I can spend as much time outside as I want. I still can’t believe how fast that shot worked. Wow! Awesome stuff! 🙂 I had a nice Saturday, I worked more than I had planned. I had a great workout..can feel it today. Ouch! I made a new chicken recipe for dinner and relaxed in the hot tub. It was a good day. Something weird happened last night though…my fire alarm went off in my house for NO reason. Omg, it was so unexpected… scared me. It is SO LOUD! When the fire alarm goes off, the security company does not even call, they immediately dispatch the fire dept. I think that kind of sucks, I think they should call first. They do call when the house alarm goes off before they dispatch the police. Any way..I did call them and tell them that everything was ok, but the firetruck was in front of my house 5 minutes after it went off. Seriously? I will never complain when sexy firefighters show up at my those guys. M’m M’m!! However, what a waste of their time. I couldn’t believe how bright the lights were, they didn’t have their sirens on, but they lit up my entire street. Needless to say it is never boring at my house…always something going on. Did I happen to mention how much I love those guys? hehe!! My heroes!! 🙂 I guess the next thing I need to do is figure out WHY it went off in the first place. ???? A mystery for sure!

I am going to work today because I want to take tomorrow off for Valentines Day!! I want to spend the day with my sweetie. It is going to be way to nice outside to work inside. I don’t feel like doing the traditional dinner out …I planned a relaxing day at the park, enjoying a picnic. 🙂

I updated my new bikini pics!! Hope they warm you up..make you hot! *hehe*

I wish you all a happy Sunday ahead! ENJOY!

Have A Wonderful Weekend!!

Good morning!! The weekend is here…woohoo!! I started my weekend with some happy hour fun with Chica yesterday. 🙂 We always have so much fun together. I am going to get out of the house this weekend and enjoy the is awesome!! Sunny and 70’s!! Loving that!!

I am working on my new update now, so check back to see it!! Have a fun and happy weekend!!