Month: July 2011

My New Pics ;)

Happy Friday!! 🙂 🙂 I hope you all enjoy your weekend!! I am not sure of my plans yet?? Hmmm

My new photos are up inside my members area…I hope you like them. 😉

Not much time to chit-chat more tomorrow. Have a fab Friday!


The weekend is right around the corner =)

Good morning!! It was nice to wake up to a blue sky with lots of sun..yesterday was dreary from that massive dust storm. I guess it took awhile for it to settle. I spent over an hour cleaning off my patio last night, my furniture was awful! I still can’t believe the amount of, that will be something we won’t forget. I did clean the leaves out of my pool the best I could..but there is so much dirt sitting on the bottom. My pool guy comes today…thank goodness. He will get it sparkling in no time, he rocks!

Dave gave me his pics from Santa I thought I would share a few more with you. The wine tour was my favorite part of the trip, they picked us up at our hotel and dropped us off…which was awesome. Not to mention Buzz was still drunk at 9:40 am when they picked us up. Ha! We made lots of friends on the bus. Everyone was in their 30’s and 40’s so everyone was pretty cool. Our driver “Tom” was awesome! He stopped at a bar on the way back so we could grab a quick drink…like we needed more! lol! He cranked up some 80’s tunes and we had one big karaoke. Fun Fun Fun times!

I am now planning 2 more to Wyoming and one to Vegas. 🙂 This is the time to travel and escape the heat.

Create a great day!! I have another busy busy day ahead.


Monster Dust Storm!

Happy Happy Hump Day everyone! 🙂 I woke up early and am working hard..lots going on today. It is pretty nasty looking outside..super dark gray’s ugly. Last night we had the biggest dust storm I have ever seen! I heard 7000 feet high, 50 miles wide and traveling at 50 mph. Crazy! We were out to dinner with Brianna Jordan and had no clue what was happening outside…until we left. We drove 30 minutes in complete darkness…everyone had their hazards on and driving very slow..except for a few idiots. You know them, right? No damage at my house, just a very dirty pool and patio. Some people lost their power which is bad when it’s 100 degrees. Oooh I feel sorry for them. 🙁

I had a great time with Brianna last night, I tried a new restaurant and it was delicious! We enjoyed good conversations and lots of laughs. Fun times!

Have a fab day everyone!


Dinner & Drinks With Brianna Jordan! 🙂

Monsoons Have Arrived!

Hey Hey everyone!! I woke up refreshed and ready for a busy & big week ahead. I hope you all enjoyed your 4th. I enjoyed mine with Buzz and my doggies, the most special ones in my life. 🙂 We hung out in the pool most of the day because it was sooo hot outside. Last night a storm rolled through and cooled things off a bit. The Monsoons have arrived for the summer, which means lots of storms and humidity. (for Az that is) I watched the fireworks go off ..they lasted about 20 minutes and one of my dogs was not happy. He was so scared. I did give him some meds to help him relax, I think it helped a bit. After the fireworks ended …the thunder started which he also hates. Poor baby had a rough night. He is ok now..he sleeping at my feet. 🙂

I hope you all create a great day ahead! I am happy to say I am back on track with my schedule…can’t wait to hit the gym today. I missed it! Never thought I’d say that. lol!

ENJOY your Tuesday!