Month: October 2011

New Pics ;)

Good morning! Happy Happy Sunday everyone, I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far! 🙂 I had a busy day yesterday…I worked from 6-3 and then I went out to lunch with friends and had some refreshing cocktails. 😉 Today I am off to watch the Cardinals/Steelers game with friends. 🙂 Go Cards!

My new pics updated yesterday..I hope you like them!

Enjoy your day!!!


Thursday already?

Hey Hey!! This week is flying by!! My 4th day at the office and I am rocking! I am accomplishing so much more work! It is so quiet, I like it! I will be working from home Fri, Sat and Sun..basically like I used to. I have been sitting outside every morning sipping my coffee ..taking some time and gathering my thoughts before I head over to the office. I like having “me” time…it’s nice! My dogs sit outside with me and enjoy their mornings too. I love mornings!! 🙂 I have to say I do miss having my dogs lounge around me. I will probably bring them to work with me sometimes…one at a time. I took this photo the other day..two of my dogs sitting in the sun. I thought it was really cute. 🙂 My little babies!

Well back to work now..I wish you all a happy day!


~~~More Sexiness @Aziani~~~

Good morning peeps..a big happy hump day to you all! 🙂 It is such a beautiful morning here..a light breeze, not a cloud in the sky and in the low 70’s. Of course this afternoon it is heating up once again into the 90’s. I enjoyed sitting on my back patio sipping my coffee..playing fetch with my dogs. A great way to start the day. I have a busy day today at the office…so here I go! Work Work Work!

Ms Jaime Lynn is back at Aziani and you are going to love her new photos and videos!!! Be sure to check here out here!

Enjoy your Wednesday!!


Happy Birthday Buzz!!

Good morning!! Day #2 in my new office and I am getting settled in. I need to spice it up a bit with my own touch…some, plants and flowers. 🙂 Everyone is asking me if I will be dressing up to go to my office..and I have to say I will probably wear my gym clothes because I am going straight to the gym. Did I spoil your fantasy? lol I am planning to do some pics and vids ..I promise to dress up and be your naughty secretary. 😉

It is my sweethearts birthday today..a big happy birthday to most special person in my life. My love! We are going to have a little lunch out, workout and have a nice romantic dinner at Mastros. Yummmm! And of course we will go for a different kind of workout after that. hehe! If you get my drift! 😉

Here are a few pics from our new office. Chica and Dave came over the other night …we had some wine and celebrated. 🙂 🙂

Change is not always easy for me, but I know it is good!!

“If you do what you did, you get what you got!”

Create a great day!! ENJOY!