Month: February 2012


Hey everyone..happy Tuesday! It sure feels like Monday to me. Yesterday felt like Sunday..not exactly sure why but my days are messed up. I need to get back on my schedule! I have a super busy week ahead..ughhh not sure where to start really. Feeling a bit unorganized and that is not like me. I am such a perfectionist and that can be great..but can be bad too. I suppose my strength is my weakness. Oh well..I will get it all figured out and accomplished. 🙂

Here are a few pics from Friday riding around the desert. It was such a fun day!! We went out to eat at my friends restaurant after that…we had the best lobster dip and margaritas. Delish!

I hope you all have a great Tuesday..yes Tuesday!

Playing in the desert with Dave, Chica and Buzz..Cheers!

Humping Buzz’s leg Part I

Humping Buzz’s leg Part II

Dinner & Drinks..Cheers Again!

~New Video~

Hey Hey everyone..I am feeling like a million bucks today! I slept soooo good last night..amazing what sleep does. 🙂 I had fun on Friday riding around in the was so beautiful outside. I just love being out in the middle of phones, computers, or even people. lol! Sometimes it is just nice to get away from it all. Enjoy the little things life offers.

My new video went live on Saturday..I hope you will enjoy it. I know I did!!! 😉

Not much going on with me today, I am trying to get through my emails so I can take some time off. I need to accomplish some house projects and then probably watch the Superbowl. I don’t really care who wins..I like both teams. I am either having a juicy grilled steak or a big ole cheeseburger. ?? Needless to say, but I will be working out hard tomorrow. Moderation is key in life, isn’t it?

Love you guys bunches!! Enjoy your Sunday!

Talk to you tomorrow!! 🙂 And see you Thursday for my members cam show!!



Hey hey everyone..I hope you are enjoying your day so far! I am busy busy busy..lots going on in my world today, which is not so bad. 🙂 I did enjoy my afternoon off yesterday with my love. We enjoyed a beautiful day date and a very sexy evening in bed. 😉 M’m M’m

We ordered a burrito to go but really had no idea what we ordered…by that time the Red Bull/Vodka’s had kicked in. hehe! The biggest burrito I have ever seen..gross! A box full of fat and $25.00 later we ended up giving it to friends on our way home. lol! I wasn’t going to eat that. I knew it would not go to waste with these guys. 🙂 “They” say alcohol affects your ability to make good decisions..ha, yep I think so! It was such a fun day! Be sure to always make time for you and your special someone..that is very important!!

ENJOY your day!!


Look Who’s Back At Aziani!!

Happy Hump Day!!! Wednesday rolling around is always a good sign that the weekend is somewhat near. 🙂 Lots going on this weekend with the Superbowl and the Phoenix Open Golf Tournament. And I really would love to get out and ride the desert, feeling the need to spend time outside.

Today is my day date with my sweetheart, he has been slaving away (haha) for four straight days shooting some serious hotties for Aziani. I know it’s a tough job and someone has to do it..might as well be him. He has grown into such an amazing photographer, I am so proud of my baby!! 😉 You guys are going to love what’s coming!!

Look who’s back!!! The ohhhh so very sexy Nikki Jackson! Nikki’s last shoot for Aziani was in 2008..oh time flies! She is looking so delicious..her body is to die for! Mmmm love those muscles…she is so fit and gorgeous!! 😉 😉 Me like!! She spent two days in Arizona shooting so lots of hot pics & vids coming!

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Time to get my work done so I can get pretty for my day date! Love spending the afternoon out on a beautiful day …enjoying life. We probably will be home in bed by 5:00..but we won’t be sleeping!!! 😉

Love you guys! ENJOY YOUR day!!
