Month: May 2012

~New Photos~

Good morning!! I hope you are having a great weekend!! I had a busy Saturday, but made a little time for some fun. My doggies had a play date yesterday. lol! They went for a swim and played fetch, even Josie! She is feeling good! Yay! 🙂 🙂

Last night I sat in the hot tub with my sweetie, we had a few drinks and watched the full moon rise. was beautiful, it was like a big night lite…it lit my entire yard. Pretty cool and very romantic! 😉

My new pics are up inside my members sure to check them out when you can! Thank you Stephen for the glass toy! I love it!!

Here are a few pics from yesterday’s swimming adventure! Summer is here!

Have a fantastic day!!


Thank you!

Good morning peeps!! Feeling awesome today, slept wonderful and had such a fun cam show last night! Thanks guys! I needed that after the crazzzzy week I had. 🙂 Thanks for all your loving support regarding my dog..she is doing really good. She is back to her old self so I am guessing that is a good sign. 🙂 I won’t know anything until Wed when I take her for her next chemo treatment.

Thank you Amy for the beautiful flowers, every time I walk by them I get a big smile on my face! I feel so blessed to have such amazing family and friends in my life!! 🙂 🙂

So today is Cinco De Mayo and I would love to go party with some margaritas and tacos..but I can’t! 🙁 I have too much work to do. Blah..however I am leaving in a week for a 7 day cruise and I will be enjoying lots of margaritas and tacos in Mexico! Yay! I need a vacation! I know my dogs will be in good hands with my parents, so I will try not to worry and have fun.

I am off to start my busy day, seriously I don’t even know where to start? Not quite my typical Saturday, but oh well..I will get through it. Chica asked me to go to the lake today..ohhhh that was hard to pass up. I can’t wait to go out on her boat!! Lots of fun things going on today and I won’t be doing any of them. BUMMER!

Enjoy your day and if you celebrate Cinco De Mayo please have a margarita with salt for me! 😉

Whoa ..she is HOT!

Morning peeps! 🙂 Isn’t Annisa Kate hot? I just love everything about her! Her hair, her body, her face…she is beautiful! 🙂

You can see more of her

My dog had chemo yesterday and she is doing good! Hopefully she won’t get sick in the next few days. I am praying for her! 🙂

I hope you all are enjoying your day! See you tomorrow night for my members cam show!


Camping Pics :)

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t been around much lately, I found out one of my dogs has lymphoma so needless to say it has been a rough past few days. 🙁 We did decide to start chemo this afternoon. There is no cure, but usually after the first one or two treatments dogs go into full remission. It goes away as fast as it comes. I took her to the vet because she was acting slow, not herself…boy what a shock to find out she has cancer. Was not expecting that!! Unlike people dogs do very well with chemo, the vet said 8 out of 10 dogs don’t get sick. Sooo I am praying that she is one of those dogs. I will never have her suffer so as long as I know she is feeling good, I will be happy. He said most dogs will live another 6 months to 1 year. Doesn’t sound like much, but without treatment she only has 30-50 days, I am not ready to say good bye to her yet. I know I never will be, but if I can have more time with her that will thrill me. She will be 12 in a few months. She is such a great dog, my only female baby. I am trying to stay positive and happy around her. Don’t want her knowing I am upset, I just want to keep her as stress free as possible. I did put her on a new diet and added some vitamins and supplements. My good friend Nikki Nova knows a lot about holistic medicine so I figured it was worth a try! I would do about anything at this point. Wish us luck..and maybe some prayers and positive vibes would help to send our way! 😉

We went camping over the weekend and had a lot of fun! I have to admit not knowing her blood results was in the back of my mind the entire time, but I tried to live in the moment and enjoy her as much as I could! She had so much fun running around the mountains..sniffing and peeing on everything. hehe! She had fun riding in the back of the Razor and just being out in the fresh air. I only took 2 of my dogs because my friends brought their dogs and my other 2 don’t exactly like other dogs. Didn’t need a bunch of barking and fighting..they all got a long great! It was a trip I will never forget and I hope I can take her on many more this summer. 🙂

I hope you all have a great day!! Enjoy your hump day!!


Buzz is proud of his fire 🙂

Caesar and Josie going for a ride

Enjoying the fresh air

Nap time

More riding fun

Loving the beautiful scenery

The gang

Josie ready to head home