Month: July 2012

New Video :)

Hey Hey..happy Saturday everyone!! Geesh this day is flying by! I had to take my dogs to the vet this morning, they all have kennel cough! 🙁 Poor babies! Mia got it from the shelter which is common and now they all have it…it is very contagious. Hopefully it won’t last long, they are on meds so that should help! 🙂 We went out to dinner last night and took Mia with us. She gets so much attention because she is so sweet! And so beautiful too! hehe!

I am heading to Vegas next weekend! Yay! I will be shooting one day and playing the other two! 🙂 Can’t wait!

My new video went up this morning, I hope you like it! Thank you Stephen for the Magic Wand!! I very much enjoyed it!!!!

Have a great weekend!! Go enjoy life!! 🙂 🙂


Back from camping!

Driving up to Northern Arizona!


My 4 babies!

Mia’s first Razor ride!

Making some yummy dinner on the fire!

Happy Friday!!! Aren’t you happy the weekend is almost here?? I will be working most of my weekend because I just got back from camping up in the mountains. It was pretty awesome to go during the week, nobody was around. We camp out in the middle of nowhere so we usually don’t see a lot of people any way, but we do see a few and the traffic heading up and back was good too. I think I prefer camping during the week. It was great! The weather was amazing…80’s during the day and 50’s at night. Perfect!! It was Mia’s first camping trip and she was a little afraid of the RV…but on the way home she did much better. I have lots of mosquito bites! Ouch..I forget how bad those suck! I guess I will be buying some bug spray for next trip.

It was such a beautiful and peaceful trip …I had so much fun with Buzz and my doggies! Now back to work for me!!

ENJOY your Friday!!!




Thank you!!

Good morning! Did you enjoy your weekend? Mine was great! I spent most of yesterday in the pool, it was nice to relax and play with my dogs. Mia is becoming quite the swimmer! 🙂 Had a few pool cocktails (meaning the kind with the umbrellas..ha!)… made some delicious turkey burgers on the grill and watched True Blood.

I was up early and enjoyed some time outside on my back patio, sipping my coffee hanging out with my dogs. It was a peaceful morning..the sun is out and the rain is gone. It’s kind of nice to wake up slow and go over my day in my head. I have a busy Monday and I am ready to tackle a few things I have been putting off.

A big thank you to Stephen for the sexy thigh highs!! And also a big thank you to Chuck for the awesome clothes and swimsuits! You guys rock, thanks so much! I can’t wait to wear them..I did already wear one of the swimsuits Chuck sent me! Thanks again!! Muuuuaaaahhhh

Create a great day peeps! ENJOY your Monday!!



Happy Sunday!!

Good morning!! I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far!! 🙂 I worked all day yesterday, but last night I went over to a friends house for a few cocktails. The weather was awesome!! It was only in the 70’s and rainy! We actually sat on their patio and didn’t break a sweat. ha! We brought Mia to their house to play with their dog..they had fun! It was really cute watching them play. Mia is so sweet, she loves all dogs!! My dogs are doing good with her, I think they are actually starting to enjoy her…she arrived last Friday so that was way faster than I thought. Yay!! 🙂 🙂

I am getting a little work done today and taking the day clue what I am doing yet?? I do know I will be snuggled in tonight to watch True Blood. Love that show!

I will be scheduling my next cam show soon, I am planning a trip to Vegas to shoot so I need to get those dates first.

Love you guys!

Have a great day!! Enjoy!!


Beautiful sunset!

Love rain in the desert!

Mia’s new friend!

My 4 babies going for walk!

Nap time!