Month: October 2012

~Happy Birthday Buzz~

A big happy birthday wish to my sweetheart..the love of my life!! 😉 Buzz wants to go see a movie and have dinner at one of his favorite Italian restaurants tonight. Sounds fun to me!

I scheduled my next members cam show for Wed Oct 24th!! Yay, can’t wait to see you all, I hope you can make it!

Buzz and I got a couples massage yesterday and I am sore this morning. What the heck? She had to work pretty hard on my neck, guess I had some knots. Shit it hurts today..but the couples massage was kind of cool. I think we will do that more often. 🙂

Have a great Thursday peeps..just think the weekend is right around the corner. Woohoo!


~So True~

I love this …thanks Amy for sending it to me! I tell people this all the time!! If your life isn’t going the way you want..find new people to surround yourself with. Get rid of the or friends.. move on to happy & positive people! The negative people just bring you down. It happened to me before so I speak from experience. I got rid of all the shitty people in my life many many years ago and my life changed dramatically! Everything..and I mean “everything” got better!! 🙂 Life is too short peeps!!

I am off to go shopping today with my mom…then we are having dinner at our friends Mexican restaurant tonight. Yummm! Fun Fun!

I will look at my schedule over the weekend and plan my next cam show.. I need to plan my next shoot too. This will be my first shoot as a brunette, I am excited!;)

Have a terrific Tuesday..make it great!!!


*Happy Monday*

Good morning everyone! Did you have a wonderful weekend?? Mine was nice!! Friday felt like was raining and the temps were cool (at least for us) I enjoyed the rain..but now the temps are back up in the 90’s..WTF? Every time I get excited that Fall has arrived..summer comes back. lol! I would imagine this will be the last week of hot temps. Hopefully!! I am actually going to layout a bit this afternoon. I am going to Mexico in less than a month and need a little tan. I have been busting my ass with cardio and the gym lately so I will be bikini ready! Yay..can’t wait to be lounging on a beach while someone brings me cocktails, the ones with the umbrellas. hehe! Saturday I finished my chores and spent the day with my dogs. It was all about giving special attention to my angels! 😉 I even made them homemade treats! They smelt soooo good, but didn’t taste as good as they smelled. Ha, I just had to taste one. They are going bananas over these treats, I will have to make more of them. I found a good website with lots of good recipes…  I have tried several of them and my dogs always love them! Bake your doggies some healthy treats, “most” of the ones you find in the stores are crap! Look at the ingredients.

Yesterday I went to the horse track with my parents..we had so much fun! We ate lunch, had some drinks and gambled a bit too. We watched a few races outside, but it was still hot so we sat in the nice cool clubhouse for the day. I did come home a winner..a whopping $26.70! LOL! losing! 🙂 🙂 I flipped channels back and forth from the horses to the Arizona Cardinal game…and boy what a bummer, they lost in overtime!!

Well I should stop babbling and get my Monday work done. 🙂 Here are a few pics from my weekend. I hope you all have a super day!!



Still swimming in October! So cute!


Mia guarding her bone, she’s such a bad ass! Ha, not!

Yummy home made doggie treats!

Fun day at the horse track!


*Happy 10-11-12*

I am waking up to a rainy morning and I love it! It’s a nice cool 70 degrees so I am working on my laptop outside enjoying this beautiful weather! 🙂 Yay… Fall is here!! Doesn’t take much to get me excited. hehe!

Thank you guys for a fun cam show last night..and thanks for the compliments on my dark hair! It’s always nice to change things around a bit! I want to thank Ross again for the awesome glass toy he made for me! I enjoyed it last night for the first time! Be sure to check out his site…

He makes all sorts of gorgeous glass things, not just toys! 😉 Christmas is coming!!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!!

