Month: November 2012

Happy Friday!!

Good morning!! Feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning…I have so much to do the next 3 days I don’t know where to start.??? I will be working and preparing for my trip all weekend..but that’s ok cause Monday morning I am off to Cancun! Sipping drinks on the beach is exactly where I want to be! 🙂 I will be sure to take lots of pics to share. I’m not bringing my computer or my that’s a real vacation, but I am planning to take some sexy vids and pics for my site! 😉

I am going to try and get all my errands out of the way today and then work all day Sat and Sun, sorry I am just thinking out loud. lol! Trying to organize in my head. 🙂 Vacations are great, but so much work before and after! Oh doubt it will be worth it!

I hope you all have some fun plans for the weekend!! It is supposed to cool off and rain, it might actually feel like Fall finally! I am excited to get out my jeans, sweaters and boots! Doesn’t take much to excite me..I know! hehe!

Have a fabulous Friday!! Here are a few random pics I wanted to share. 🙂


Mia needs a pedicure! lol

Neo sneaking on the cute though!


Sweating out all the wine I drank on election night!

Enjoying a nice lunch outside!

Another 4 years… My views in a nutshell!

Well Well Well…what can I say except I am disappointed that President Obama got re-elected. I obviously didn’t vote for him! I don’t like the direction this country is headed and I do believe it will get even worse the next four years.
Hopefully I am wrong…I’m ok with that!

I am not a registered Democrat or Republican, I am a registered Libertarian. If you are not familiar with what that means…bottom line it means “maximum freedom and minimum government.”

If you want to smoke pot, have an abortion, or marry your partner of the same sex..I don’t care! I don’t think the government has the right to tell you how to live YOUR life. It is YOUR life, these are YOUR choices.
Just for the record…I do not do any drugs including pot, I have never had an abortion and I’m not gay. lol (just saying)

I think people should do what they want without the government getting into their business. They have their place and they need to keep it!

I’m sure some of you agree and disagree too..and that’s ok! Everyone has an opinion!! Don’t you love freedom of speech? 🙂

I am pretty happy about the local election here in AZ so that is good news! This is such a great state..I love it!

I will say congrats to the commander in chief for another 4 years…maybe this time he will follow through with his promises. We can only hope!

Enough politics …I am very happy the crazy commercials are OVER!

I am off now, time to jump on the treadmill..I need to work off the bottle of wine I drank last night. 😉 No matter what..I always have fun! Life is too short! Have a happy hump day everyone!


Vote 2012!

Good morning!! Happy vote day to you in the USA!! Buzz and I already voted early this morning because he is shooting a FBB (female bodybuilder) for Aziani Iron! The site is getting a lot of happy members and that makes me happy! Hard work always pays off!!

I hope you all had a fun weekend!! Mine was really nice! I went to the dog park with my friend on Saturday afternoon and the first dog I saw looked a lot like Josie! I couldn’t believe my eyes! I snapped a pic of him, he was taller and thinner… but wow! I talked to him mommy and she was so sweet. She said he is quite the stud at the dog park. Ha…I can see why! We talked for a long time …this was her first dog and she adopted him at a local shelter. I have to admit I felt a little sad when I first saw him, but then after talking to her I felt much better. Happy thoughts..right? 🙂 My dogs had such a great time running free and playing with the other dogs..they slept good Saturday night! Now that the weather is cooling I am going to try and take them 2- 3 times a week.

Sunday we went riding …it was such an awesome time! The weather was perfect and the leaves were changing colors. Now that is true beauty!

I have a really busy day…enjoy your Tuesday! Make it great!


Some pics from the dog park!

Josie look alike!

Mia is the social butterfly!



This cave was closed due to bats! Yikes!

Getting buzzzed with the girls!

New Pics!! :)

Good morning! Yay the weekend is here! I am ready for some fun and relaxation both! 🙂 I need some time away from my computer!! Tomorrow we are going riding with a big group, can’t wait.. it is going to be awesome! We are driving about an hour north so it will be a little cooler. It’s still pretty warm in the desert, but I am not complaining. It’s nice! I am looking forward to the day I can shut off my air conditioner and sit around my fire pit! 😉

Today I am going to work around my house…ya know the typical weekend chores. After that I am heading to the dog park with a friend. She has two dogs and invited me because her b/f can’t go and she doesn’t want to go alone. It will be a perfect day to let the pooches run..sunny and 86 degrees! I think a movie and pizza sounds good for tonight. I don’t feel like cooking, at least not now. Last night we had steak and coconut shrimp. I made the shrimp for the first time and was delish..I actually baked it so it was a little healthier than frying it.

I can’t believe Halloween and my Anniversary are over for another year. We will soon be celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year…wow time flies!

My new pics are up and inside my members area..I hope you like them!! 😉

Have a fabulous Saturday..enjoy!