Month: August 2013

Cam Show Change!!

Happy Friday!! 🙂 🙂 Are you all ready for the weekend? I AM!! I have been a busy bee so I am ready for a little relaxation!! It is supposed to rain and cool down. Yay! It was pretty nice this morning so I walked my dogs, they loved it. I will be happy to see October roll around, not that I want time to go even faster than it already does. However I am ready for some cooler weather. It was nice to wear pants, boots and a sweatshirt in the mountains.  I am ready for my skinny jeans, boots and sweaters! I am a jeans kind of girl! 🙂

I had to reschedule my cam show for tonight…it is now Monday at 7:00pst/10:00est (same time) See you then!

I am wishing you all a fun Friday and wonderful weekend ahead!!


New Naughty In Nature Video!

Hey hey everyone!! A big good morning to you!! 🙂 It’s such a cloudy morning, I’m just hoping it rains a bit to cool things off. Either way it’s a nice change! My new video went up this weekend..some more naughtiness in nature. 😉

Be sure to check it out when you can and thanks for the compliments so far. Love you guys!!

I have another busy work day…trying to catch up from the weekend. Geesh being away from the computer for 3 days things really pile up. However it is so nice to take a break from computers , TV’s and phones!

I look forward to seeing you this coming Friday night!! Yay! Enjoy your hump day, make it great!


*Life Is Good*

Good morning!! 🙂 I am back from an amazing camping trip! We ended up staying another day because it was so much fun and the weather was awesome!! It did rain on us one afternoon for a few hours, even hailed! At that time we were really happy to have the RV to protect us. 😉 It was so nice and cool..a great escape from the desert heat! It’s always nice to get away from the busy world and smell the roses. The little things in life are really the most important. Of course the dogs had a blast! Running free and playing with no leashes, I love seeing them have fun. 🙂 On our way home we stopped and picked 13 pounds of tomatoes right off the vine! Yum!! Nothing like picking your own fruits and veggies. I can’t wait to move to the mountains some day, I am going to have the biggest garden! I feel so at home …so at that is where I am supposed to be. It’s in my 5 year plan! 🙂 🙂 Land, animals with beauty all around!

I was going to walk my dogs this morning, but at 7:00 it was already in the low 90’s. Ugh!! Welcome back to the heat!! Only a few more months …then cooler temps will arrive. Just think the holidays aren’t that far away. Crazy how fast time goes!

It’s time to get back to work!! Lots to do and catch up on. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend too!

I am going to schedule my next members cam show for this coming Friday…looking at my schedule now. See you then!

Create a great day!


New Outdoor Pics! :)


Good morning! Whew I was up early this morning …ready for a great week ahead! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was really awesome! Yesterday I met up with friends for brunch, the restaurant had a Bloody Mary/Mimosa bar. Yum! I love Bloody Mary’s and Chica loves Mimosa’s so we were both happy! 🙂 We ended up turning brunch into! It was a good time, nobody wanted to go home. I relaxed last night and watched True Blood, seems like the season just started and it’s almost over with only one episode left. Saturday I enjoyed some pool time and also some relaxing time with my sweetheart. Nothing like snuggling up to a movie and eating popcorn! Friday I met up with an old friend for margaritas which of course was a riot playing catch up!! Then after that we were invited over to some of my other friends house to meet their family that was in town! A fun and friendly weekend for sure! I am so blessed to have such amazing people in my life!!

My new photos went up on Saturday, another sexy outdoor photo set! Be sure to check them out when you can!! 😉

Today is what I am calling a “ME Monday!!” That just means I am going to spend time with! I have a nail appointment and a massage scheduled this afternoon. After that I am on the hunt for a new purse…Yay shopping!

I already got my cardio done early this morning …boy I needed that after all the food and drinks I consumed. Geesh way too many calories! I will hit my workouts hard this week!!  I hope you all enjoy your Monday!! Gotta love them! 🙂 🙂