Month: March 2014

Cam Show!

Hey Hey everyone..a big good morning to you all!! 🙂 🙂 I am waking up to a cloudy & cool morning..I like!! I seriously can’t believe this winter, it has been SO nice!! One of the best I can remember in my 18 years of living here. I just hope this summer is not total hell! If it is I will be living out of my RV in the mountains!! I can’t wait to move to the mountains some day… 3-5 years is my goal!! People always ask me if I could handle the cold winters again and I think I can say YES to that because I really miss the seasons. Having a house in the mountains AND in the desert would be the ultimate goal. 🙂 As much as the snowbirds drive me nuts, I do admire them! 🙂

So I got to hang out with the sexy Brooke Haven on Tuesday night. Last time I saw Brooke was in 2009 at a wedding. (See pic below) Wow..time flies! Buzz shot her for Aziani again…she looks great! She retired for a few years, but is back in the biz. We had a lot of fun..eating, drinking and laughing! 😉

I scheduled my next members cam show for Wed March 19th!! It’s been awhile and I am sorry for that! See you then!

Hope your day is great!


A Fun Weekend!

Good morning loves!! 😉 I hope you had a great weekend!! Mine was a little too much fun I think..hehe! I was so tired yesterday! I needed to take the day off and recharge my battery! 🙂 Friday night Buzz and I went out for Chinese food and then watched a movie. Saturday I cleaned and did my chores around the house, it rained on and off all day and into the night. It was kind of nice actually. We needed the rain! We met up with Buzz’s family for dinner then off to a party. Sunday we went riding …it rained a little bit on us in the morning but ended up being a nice cool day. We didn’t get home until 1:00am! It was so much fun, but like I said I was exhausted yesterday. I am usually in bed every night by 9:00. Early to bed and early to rise. 🙂 Today feels like Monday so needless to say I am really busy working..but I haven’t posted in awhile so I figured I would say HELLO!!! Hope your Tuesday is great so far!


Rain in the desert!

Party time!

Riding fun with my love!

Beautiful nature!

The gang!