Month: April 2014

Camping Fun!!

Good morning!!! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend! 🙂 Did you enjoy Easter? I went camping again…Tony is still doing great so I thought it would be fun to take him out to the wilderness again. Of course he loved it! We had 13 dogs and 11 people. LOL! You can tell my family loves dogs. Oh and 1 cat..hehe! Can’t forget my Rocky!! 🙂 He didn’t get to run free this time, some of the other dogs didn’t exactly like him. Mia had so much fun running with all the dogs, she is a social butterfly. 🙂 The weather was chilly at night, but warmed up nice during the day. It sprinkled a little bit on us, but not any heavy rain which was great. That would have made a muddy mess. We had no phone reception and I have to say it was a nice break. I know a lot of people that could not survive 4 days without a phone or internet. I say it is a healthy thing to do once in awhile. Remember the small things are what really make us happy…at least that is true for me. 🙂 🙂 🙂 It was another fun, but relaxing nature get away. I didn’t want to come home to the desert heat. Ughhhhh 96 today! Pool weather will be here SOON!! I have a feeling it is going to be a HOT HOT HOT summer and I am going to spend a lot of time in the mountains. 🙂 🙂 I have a busy work week ahead…lots going on. I scheduled my next members cam show for April 30th!! See you then! Have a fantastic day everyone!


My beautiful Tony!

My beautiful Rocky!

Mia and her BFF!

Sniff Sniff!

Whipping up breakfast!

Hello Kitty!

Champagne toast! My kind of camping..hehe!

True Beauty!

Little cutie, horny toad!


Good morning!! I hope you all had a great weekend!! 🙂 Mine was nice! I worked a lot this weekend, I was trying to catch up from my camping trip. I did go out for dinner and drinks with my in laws on Saturday…that was fun! We are making plans to go camping again. Tony is doing good…we are taking one day at a time!! 🙂 🙂 Everyone is enjoying time with him. I always say everyday is a blessing and it truly is!! You never know whats next so enjoy life every day…every minute!! Spring is in the air and all my backyard flowers are blooming. I thought I would share some beautiful pics!! I do feel sorry for all the people with allergies, ugh…this is a bad time for them. My eyes are a little itchy, but I bought some eye drops the other day and they work great!! No other allergy issues for me. Yay!! I hope you all have a fantastic Monday!!


Thursday night date night with my hunny!

Saturday dinner and drinks!

Quality time with my babies!

Good morning!! Whew a busy day for me..feels like Monday! I just got back from camping…it was so much fun!! I wanted to make sure Tony got to go camping one more time!! He LOVES it! We all do actually!! It was perfect weather during the day, but Brrrrr it cooled down into the 30’s at night. It was so cold we had to turn on the heat. I didn’t get to see snow all winter…  🙁 Bummer! Things are already heating up in the desert…97 today. Ughhhh it’s too soon to be that hot! I think I might be spending lots of time in the mountains this summer. The past few days have been all about Tony and making sure he is happy and of course pain free. He ran and played in the mountains and it made us so happy to see!! I love watching them run free!! Rocky actually had his first venture into the was adorable!! He loved it and he didn’t leave our sight. All three babies had a riot! It was great..a trip I will never forget. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Now today is back to work!! I hope you are enjoying your week so far!! Sending love!


Saturday night party with family and friends!

Life is too short!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all have a great weekend! Go enjoy is way too short and you never know what’s next!! I am sorry I have been a little quiet lately. This past Monday I went to see a surgeon for my dog, he has a cancerous tumor…a huge one at that. The surgeon gave me bad news, his tumor is just too large to even remove. It would disturb organs and it just isn’t an option at this point. I wish we could have caught it earlier, but he showed no signs of pain or illness. Long story short..I don’t feel like getting into the sad details. Bottom line is we probably have days…maybe weeks with him??? He is on meds so he is not in any pain. I am also taking a natural route and giving him some things that might help shrink his tumor. It can’t hurt to try, right? We are enjoying every day with him while we still can. You know how I feel about my babies!! The only thing that gets me through tough times like this is my family and friends. So a big thank you for listening to me and being there for me when I need you! 🙂 🙂

He has been laying next to me in my office the past few days and he never does that…he knows something is wrong. He is not only beautiful…he is loving and oh so smart!

This was the day I brought Josie’s ashes home. He slept by her ashes …this is a spot he NEVER slept before and never did again.

Love my baby!

Sorry to be a downer today.

I do have some fun plans over the weekend and am planning a camping trip with Tony…he loves to run free in the wilderness. Sniffing and peeing on everything. hehe!

Talk more soon! Sending you all love! Be kind to everyone, you never know their story and what they might be going through!!
