Author: Rachel Aziani

Well hello ;)

Hey Hey everyone…good morning!! 🙂 🙂 Yet another beautiful day in the desert! Buzz and I have been hiking as much as we can before the summer heat hits. We are getting stronger every trail! Yay! Been walking our doggies a lot too! They love it! I was on one trail last week and got stung by a bee!! OUCH! It got stuck in my hair and stung my scalp. I of course was freaking out because it was buzzing around in my head and Buzz helped get him out..AFTER he already stung me. I have been stung before but this hurt worse than any of the others. I will be wearing hats from now on. Ha! They are out in full force…Spring is HERE! I absolutely love this time of the year!!! Not only is it pretty with all the flowers blooming, but the air smells so nice. As Buzz and I continue down this healthy path our eating habits have changed BIG TIME!! We used to eat out a lot…but now we cook all the time. We make it fun…I like it more and more. We went to a farm over the weekend to pick up some locally grown organic fruits and veggies. YUM! It was a really cool place. They had all sorts of goodies, they had a juice bar, pizza stand and live music. I will go there again for sure! I bought a tomato plant and some flowers that we planted in our backyard. I will say I do NOT have a green thumb, so wish me luck! hehe! So Easter is this coming Sunday…I am looking forward to spending it with my family! 🙂 We have a big ole feast planned. I won’t be counting calories on that day. Ha! I hope you enjoy your holiday with family and friends (if you celebrate that is) I am off now…will write more soon. I know I don’t write here as much as I used to. My life has changed, but as long as you want to still read it, I am happy to still share my life with you all. Thanks for that. 🙂 Have a great day/week ahead!!


My furry baby enjoying the beautiful weather 🙂

Mia and her BFF finally resting after some serious play! 🙂


Hey Hey everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! 🙂 It is so beautiful here…I had to get out and enjoy nature. We are continuing our hiking adventures which is awesome. It’s getting easier each time. We found some new trails …we are surrounded by them. I can’t believe we didn’t do this more in the past. I guess things change…time changes. Nothing ever stays the same. Things that were important to me in the past are no longer and I have found other things that I enjoy. 🙂 So I took some pretty pics to share with you. Saturday we went out for a nice ride with friends. Drove by the lake and cruised around the desert…everything is blooming. It’s so gorgeous and it smells so nice. I need to enjoy the next few months before the summer heat. Ugh! I am looking forward to swimming again, but doing things outside will be limited to early mornings and late evenings. Looks like we will be spending time in the mountains this summer…which I LOVE!!

Not much new happening, some personal plans have changed once again. lol! Oh boy…life is full of surprises, isn’t it? I try to live every day to the fullest because you never know when it’s your last. Life can change in an instant, just be happy in the moment. 🙂 🙂 🙂 So with that being said…have a wonderful day!!


March already???

Good morning!!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! 🙂 🙂 I can’t believe it’s March already!! It feels like Spring here in AZ…everything is in bloom!! The desert looks so pretty!! I will have to take some pics to share like I do every year. hehe! The weather is so perfect I will be sure to get out and enjoy it this weekend. This past week was really busy. Whew! Been kicking ass in the gym and eating healthy for the most part. I always have my cheat days. 😉 Those are a MUST!! Buzz and I are on a mission to get into shape and get as healthy as we can. Did I say how proud of him I am that he kicked that nasty cigarette habit. 🙂 🙂 I always walk up to him and “sniff sniff” …ha! He smells sooooo good! I am a happy wife!! Here are a few hiking pics I took on Wednesday, isn’t it beautiful? I always feel so happy being out in nature. Happy Saturday everyone…go enjoy life. Will write more soon!



A selfie from my studio 😉

Well Hello =)

Hey Hey everyone..happy weekend to you all! 🙂 I hope you enjoy!!! I am just getting some much needed work done. Buzz and I were in CA and I am playing catch up now. We had such a great little getaway. We spent a lot of time in is so pretty there. We went hiking and then found a cool little restaurant on the beach. It was so great!! We met up with some friends…ate at some awesome restaurants. I didn’t take a lot of pics 🙁 But I did take a few that I can share.  😉 The weather was exactly the same as it is here in Arizona. PERFECT!! It seems really warm for this time of the year…I hope that doesn’t mean this summer will be even worse! Ughhhh! I can’t believe how fast time goes…it’s almost March!! Yikes, where does the time go? It’s tax time which always sucks. lol! I already sent my business ones, but now working on my personal ones. Oh joy! 🙁

We added a super sexy new model to Aziani that you must check out. I didn’t get to meet her, but I think she is really cute and Buzz says she is really nice. Her name is Bashka Corps…be sure to check her sexy self out here

Well I am off ….have a wonderful weekend!!! 🙂 🙂
