Category: Glamour

Off To Shoot Some Sexy Stuff Today!!

Good morning!! I made it through my crazy Monday!! Now I can go have FUN today! I will be sure to take lots of sexy pics and vids for you!! 😉 I will tweet some too!

It is HOT HOT HOT here, it was 90 degrees at 7:00! Another record breaking day in the desert. I am glad I am shooting all indoors today. My makeup would melt, not so pretty! ha!

Create a great day! 🙂 🙂 🙂



My New Mobile Site Opens! Woohoo!!

Good morning..happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!! 🙂 I can’t even believe how much I have to do today. Ohhh is going to be a crazzzzzzy day ahead. I won’t babble too much today..lucky you!! 😉  I did want to let you know that my new mobile site is open!! Yay!! If you want to check it out go here…

I would love for my members to log in and check it out on your phone. 🙂 🙂 Thanks in advance!!

Off to continue with this silly Monday! Love you guys! Have a great day!

~Scheduling & Organizing~

Hey Hey everyone..aren’t you just thrilled Monday has arrived? Ha! Kidding of course! I hope your weekend was all you wanted it to be. 🙂 Mine was nice..I can’t complain! I worked a lot, but did find time to have some fun and relax too. I did get my next two trips finalized. Yay! I am going to Vegas with my parents in Sept and then straight to Wyoming. It is like an 11 hour drive to Jackson Hole..and then off to Yellowstone after that. I can’t wait! It is going to be so beautiful and peaceful. I am planning lots of time outside..hiking and biking for sure. Well as long as the weather is nice. Could be a little chilly in Sept..but will feel like heaven compared to Arizona. 🙂 A few more months of these hot temps and it will be gorgeous again until next June.

I also planned 2 more shoots…I love being organized and scheduled ahead. NOW I just need to schedule my next cam show. Will let you know about that soon. K?

Here are a few more updates that are coming your way.

Create a great day!!


My New Pics!! ;)

Woohoo Saturday has arrived, I am very happy to see the weekend after an insane past week. Whew! 🙂 🙂 I am a little tired today, a storm hit around 3:00 am..lots of rain, thunder and lightning which means my dog freaks out. I just don’t know how to calm him down. Any ideas? I didn’t fall back to sleep until 6:00, ugh! I will be needing a nap today for sure. I feel a lot better today..bye-bye hangover. I am going out tonight and already have decided to take things slow. I am back to the gym today and ready for an awesome weekend!! I had so much FUN in my cam show last night, thanks guys!! Love ya bunches!!! 😉

My new photos went up this morning!! And wow, thanks for the compliments already! Love that! Thanks sooooo  much!

ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!!!!!!!! Make it great!


Getting Ready For My Cam Show Last Night =)

Drunk Rachel On Thursday Night