Category: Glamour


Good morning..another great night of sleep..yeah!! Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you made it thru your Monday ok!! Mine was busy..I worked a lot! It was good though. My best buddy Dakota arrived last night so we will be spending some fun time today. Let the fun begin..only after I get some work done first. πŸ™‚

I am adding a photo from my new update..I hope you like. I was feeling pretty pretty naughty. What else is new lately? LOL!

Have an awesome day~ ENJOY!

Shop Until I Drop!!!!!

Woohoo, Friday is here! I hope you all have a fabulous weekend ahead!! I have a super fun day planned of SHOPPING. What girl doesn’t like that? hehe
My birthday is only one week away and I have some planning to still do. I am hoping to find a new sexxxy outfit for my b-day party..and of course I need to stock up the studio on lots of goodies. My friends start flying in on Tuesday so I have some serious shopping to do before they start arriving. It is going to be soooo much fun. I promise to take LOTS of photos to share with you all. πŸ˜‰

I am thinking such naughty thoughts in this photo..haha, bet you didn’t know that!!

I am off to the gym and to hit every mall in Phoenix. lol! Well not all of them, I couldn’t accomplish that in one day. Ha!




Good morning, a big happy hump day to you all!! πŸ˜‰

Ok so I worked my ass off yesterday and I feel very accomplished today. yeah! I still have lots of work to do, but nothing like yesterday. I even got in three exercises yesterday. I jogged on my treadmill, I went to the gym for weights and walked my dogs last night. Oh I felt like such a work out queen. hehe!

I just got done planning my Thanksgiving with my family. We came up with a monster menu..we should have lots of leftovers this year. I am making a turkey for the first time. We usually fry one, but I am going to try something new. Any yummy recipes you want to share with me? πŸ™‚

My birthday is right around the corner..I need to stop in and order my cake today. Oh it is going to be a fun crazy silly weekend…coming soon! Can’t wait!

Have a wonderful Wednesday and I hope you will find time to check out my new pics! Don’t mind my boob popping out of my jean dress. hehe! OOPS!


It’s Election Day!!! Oh…and I added some new sexy photos too. *wink*

Happy Election Day America..GO VOTE! I have talked to several people that voted early, good job! I, of course waited until today, I am heading out early this morning. I am wondering how long I will have to wait in line. Hmm! Hopefully not long. πŸ˜‰ Should be an interesting day.

I added my new photo set and found a few pics to post for you. I thought the feet lovers might appreciate the second photo.

My day isΒ  up in the air right now depending on how long it will take to vote, I might take the entire day off and hit the mall. The weather is cooling down the high 70’s today and that makes me very happy. I am in need for some new warmer clothes. Sweaters, jeans and boots….here I come.

Have a great day everyone! ENJOY your Tuesday.