Category: Glamour

**New Photo Update…Pretty In Pink**

Hey everyone…good morning!! I have added my new photo update, I wanted to share a pic with you. Hope you will find time to check out the entire set. 😉 As you can see I am working on my tan line “below”..not bad so far. I ended up shooting a fun and naughty video with Buzz yesterday and I also took some 4th of July bikini pics. The bikini top was a bit small…haha, shocking I know. That is what happens when you have monster hooters. LOL! It is a very sexy suit, but let’s just say..I wouldn’t wear it out in public. hehe! I came home from my shoot and took my dogs for a nice long walk, it was sundown and the weather was awesome. A nice breeze is always a good thing when walking four dogs. I sat and watched one of my favorite TV shows, had a glass of vino..and slept like a baby. Wow..a perfect day! Sex, exercise, relaxing time and vino!!!!!!! Woohoo! Today I am off to the gym and to run a few errands. I wish you all a very happy day! ENJOY!


~NEW bikini photo update~

Good morning! Happy Hump Day everyone! I woke up at 6:00 and got an early start on my work…I enjoy working early because it is so quiet and peaceful. I know some of you prefer working at night for the exact same reason. However, I am not a night owl..I am a morning person for sure! Haven’t you ever heard the saying “the early bird gets the worm?” haha! Any ways..I am off to the gym shortly, but I wanted to post a photo from my new photo set. These pics were taken back in February when I was in Cancun Mexico. Gosh..time flies. That was one of my all time favorite trips! Two weeks of heaven! 😉 Ahhhhh! Things are heating up …95 and sunny today. Good thing the pool is summer ready! I will be hanging out at the pool for a few hours today…be sure to stop by. I will have my pool cam on!! 🙂 Have an awesome day ..enjoy your Wednesday!

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*My New Photo Update*

Good morning! Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was great! Sunday I relaxed at my pool the entire day…did you see me? I was naked..OMG! hehe! The temps have been crazy hot..110 yesterday and pretty much the same today. That is what I get for living in the desert. ha! Yesterday was a fun day..I went out to lunch and shopping with my mom. I picked up some pretty cool things…it was fun! After that I went to my niece’s kindergarten graduation, ahhh it was so cute. I have to admit being around screaming 5 year olds was a little crazy. Wow..they sure have a lot of energy. It was a nice family day. Today I have A TON of work to do. It is like a Monday to me. I wanted to make sure to stop by and say hello..wish you all a great day! Be sure to check out my new update! Enjoy!

~~Have An Awesome Weekend~~

Good morning!! Happy Friday everyone! Yeah..gotta love that! I had so much fun shooting yesterday. Did you see me shoot? I am adding a pic from my new upcoming secretary shoot! It ended with a yummy blowjob video! 😉 I am ready for some fun this weekend. I have invited some friends over for a cook out tonight…all the goodies included. It will be a nice way to start my weekend. I have to run a few errands today, but overall it should be a pretty relaxing day and night. I hope you have a wonderful Friday..enjoy!!

Sexy Secretary, thigh highs