Category: Hanging with friends

~Have A Great Monday~

Good morning!! I hope your weekend was great!! (as they should be) 🙂 Monday has arrived again…so soon, I know.

The weekends go too fast. Mine was awesome! Spent Saturday at the lake (pics below) 😉 ..and yesterday I relaxed all day  just as I wanted. It was so nice to be able to do absolutely nothing. We all need that kind of break from our crazy busy lives. It is cloudy and cooler today…it is supposed to rain, but haven’t seen any yet.

I wish you all a marvelous Monday! ENJOY!


Up early…work work work

Good Tuesday morning! I woke at 6:00 today…”the early bird gets the worm”..ya know? lol! I slept great, feeling great and going to have a great day! Not much on my agenda today, just getting some much needed work done again today. I have to admit it is very hard to stay inside and work this time of the year. ~ugh~ It is so beautiful outside, I just want to play!

Speaking of playing …here are just a few pics from the convention last week. I have many more that I will post in my scrapbook section in my members area. 🙂

Have a terrific Tuesday!
