Category: Hot Friends

Back to work….

Good morning! Happy Tuesday!!! Sorry I have not posted to my blog the last few days. I have been having lots of fun with my friends visiting. I have not been on my computer much, however…back to work today. It was great while it lasted…felt like I was on a mini vacation. 🙂
I am posting a pic of Dakota, Amber and myself…we were hanging out the other night by the pool…eating and drinking..chatting like girls do. My friend from Australia left a few days ago, he went to Vegas and on to Florida, Amber left yesterday and Dakota leaves today. Nothing like fun with friends.
I have had WAY too many Red Bull/vodkas…so back to the gym and detox for awhile. LOL
I hope you are enjoying August so far…wow, time goes so fast.
Ok..I am off, I need to cook some food for my doggies…and probably myself too. ha!
Be sure to check out my update section photos coming~

Fun time tubing down the river! :)

Good morning..happy August 1st. Wow..I can not believe it is August already.
My friend from Australia arrived Wednesday. His plane was late coming from Australia so he missed his flight from Los Angeles to Phoenix. OOPS! He did get a flight but was super late.
Amber did arrive yesterday, she actually arrived early! Crazy airports~
We had so much fun yesterday …we went tubing down the river with a bunch of friends. It was great! I am adding a few pics from our fun day. As you can see..boobies were coming out of our bikini’! Silly girls~
We went back to our studio and grilled out some hot dogs and burgers. Yum!
Today we are heading out for a road trip up to the mountains..want to show my friends what a beautiful state Arizona it will be MUCH cooler! I will take more pics to share with you all.
I did update my site with a new water video today…be sure to watch the sample. 🙂 Fun stuff!
Have an awesome Friday everyone. I am off to shower and head out of Phoenix.


~Happy Weekend Everyone~

Good Saturday morning! It felt so good waking up with no hangover this morning! Yeah! Wow..I really felt like pure crap yesterday and it pretty much lasted all day! I did make it out to the pool..did you wave to me? *hehe* I TRIED to drink a bloody mary, but couldn’t choke it down. Bad Rachel.. putting the poison into my body. Ugh! I am off the gym shortly..I was a bad girl this week. Obviously drank too much and didn’t get to work out as much as I should have. That’s ok..I love going to the gym on is empty! At least I have my energy back today..I went to sleep at 8:30 last night. What a fun and exciting Friday night. LOL! I have a photo & vid I want to share with you all. I looked outside on my patio yesterday and a momma quail and her babies were underneath my patio furniture. I love birds so I had to take a photo of them. I have never seen babies this small before. I mean they could barely walk! Soooo adorable. Any ways..I was not prepared for what happened next. When the momma saw me, she flew away leaving her babies behind. OOPS! I left the door open and one of them ran in my house. Double OOPS! While we were trying to catch it, the momma did come back for the other babies. However we had to catch this tiny little quail …I always heard not to touch a baby bird, so I didn’t. Finally picked it up in a red plastic cup and put him/her back outside. They did reunite and she had 5 babies following her around my backyard. Honestly, it was the cutest thing. It doesn’t take much to entertain me. 🙂 I so much enjoy the small things. Check them out below..the pic is kind of blurry but it was the only one I had. This story was a must share with you all. You know how much I love animals! Ok…I am off now to feed my babies and work out. Back home to clean my house and start my laundry. Woohoo~ I hope you all have a fantastic weekend..ENJOY your Saturday!


[youtube: 425 355]

~~Happy Sunday~~

Good morning!! Happy Sunday!! It is beautiful outside, the clouds are gone and the temps are back in the 80’s. Nice! i think I am going to drain my pool today, scrub it real good tomorrow..and it should be 100 percent full on Tuesday morning. It is good to replace the water once a year..keeps things fresh! I am going to try and take the next few day OFF! Maybe have a cook out today and tomorrow..just chill outside and enjoy the weather. Yesterday was AWESOME! I am posting a pic from the shoot..she is a babe, I told you. Super nice too! We had a lot of fun and I know you guys are going to enjoy her “goodies!” 😉 I hope you have a great Sunday..and even better holiday tomorrow! Enjoy time with family and friends!!
Christine Vinson shoot for Aziani