Category: Scrapbook

~Healthy & Happy~

Hey Hey awesome peeps! 🙂 Waking up to another gorgeous desert day! Ohhh this weather is so perfect! This time of the year and the holidays are my favorite! I used to love Fall in Nebraska when I lived there, I loved watching all the leaves turn colors and fall off so I could jump in them. 🙂 There are things I miss about where I grew up…but I do love it here in AZ. I had serious thoughts of moving not that long ago, but it didn’t make sense when I looked at the entire picture. Looks like I will be staying in AZ for now. 🙂 I think 2017  will be my year to buy a cabin in Northern AZ. My dream!! I think it would be amazing to escape from my desert life and enjoy the mountain life…especially in the hot summer and over the holidays. 🙂 🙂 I got my cowboy hat and boots ready! hehe! So today we were supposed to go riding around in our RZR, but things changed …ugh! Rained on my parade!! The past few days have been weird…not exactly the way I had planned. Oh well..I am one to believe that things happen for a reason. Go with the flow and that makes life easier. Don’t sweat the small things, right? Not really much new since I wrote last time. Ya know…just trying to keep active and spend quality time with Buzz, my babies, friends and family. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Here are a few pics I have taken recently. I never get sick of taking pics of my fur babies! Ohhh and Buzz saved this little bird from our pool on Sunday morning. He just happened to be working outside and heard him/her splash around. It took the bird about 30 minutes to dry off and away he went. We LOVE all animals!! Have a fantastic day everyone!!! Talk more soon!



~~~New Sexy Aziani Model~~~

Good morning!! Sorry I haven’t posted lately!! I have been keeping busy with that thing called life. 🙂 🙂 And it’s a good life!! I have been working a lot around my house and on my studio. Buzz and I have been continuing our hiking and we just pulled out our bikes this weekend and will be hitting the trails on them soon. 🙂 I haven’t been to the gym as much lately …they were doing a bunch of construction and I think it’s finally done. Any excuse I can come up with to NOT go. Hehe! I work out, but I don’t LOVE it. I do like it..and I do love the new gym I joined, but I can’t say I LOVE working out. I do LOVE hiking and doing things outside. I soooo enjoy being out in nature. We have been walking our dogs a lot lately…the weather is just perfect. Tony is too old to walk, he is struggling lately with his back legs. I am afraid he might not be around much longer…makes me so sad. I’m just enjoying everyday we do have with him. We have been letting our cat play outside a little bit every day. He loves it… he jumped over the wall into my neighbors yard a few days ago. Ugh..that was not very much fun trying to get him back. He is an inside cat…if he escaped he wouldn’t last long around my neighborhood. We have bobcats and coyotes that cruise the streets. We are working slowly with him, he really likes it. It’s so cute!! Spending time at home with my fur babies is priceless. I have to say as time goes by I become more of a homebody…but I like it that way. We don’t go out much any more BUT I am feeling the need to hit a happy hour soon though. 😉 Keeping active and cooking at home has made me feel so healthy!!! I honestly feel better than I have in a long time. Not that I felt bad…luckily I have always been healthy. I count my blessing. You know the saying “you are what you eat!” Wow…it is so true!! Don’t get me wrong…I still like pizza and tacos. Ha! Moderation is key..right?

So here are those beautiful flower pictures I promised. Ok Ok don’t get too excited. LOL!!!! Hey I have to post them every Spring! 🙂 They are so pretty and smell so good! The down side of having so many flowers in your yard…they sure make a mess when it’s windy outside. It was super windy over the weekend, I was constantly cleaning the pool. My pool boy only comes once a week…so I played pool girl. 😉 I ordered some new rafts on Amazon so I will be floating around SOON. Can’t wait!! Is anyone else addicted to Amazon like me? Omg…I buy so much stuff on Amazon. I really don’t even like shopping at the malls that much anymore. I never thought I would say that. hehe!! But it’s true! I don’t buy clothes usually online because I like to try them on. But for most everything else..Amazon is my friend. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Geesh all this typing and I forgot what I came here to post. I wanted to let you know about a new Aziani model…her name is Shy Love. Isn’t she sexy? Damn!! Her 1st photo set just went up and more coming soon, vids too! So be sure to check her out

Have a wonderful week everyone!!





April has arrived =)

Good morning!! 🙂 Happy Monday ..I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was busy!!! I had a lot of personal stuff going on so it was nice to get that all out of the way. Yesterday I had a headache from HELL that would not go away!! Ugh! I am pretty sure it is sinus/allergy related. I didn’t let that stop me from anything…but let’s say it did suck. Feeling all better today. Wednesday I had a migraine which I usually only get 1-2 times a year. Buzz and I just got to the gym and 10 minutes into my workout I started seeing what I call lightning bolts. If you have ever had one you know what I mean. It sucks because even when you close your eyes you still see them. So needless to say Buzz had to walk me out of the gym and loaded me up on caffeine. It helps …he bought me a Coke and it was nasty. I don’t like soda at all. It is gross…but it did help!!! I was feeling pretty bad for a few hours. The crazy thing is the last time I had one it was March of 2015. I keep track of when I get them so somehow I think it might be once again allergy related. Weird, huh?

I went to a convention on Thursday afternoon and that was FUN!!! I love seeing old friends…we ate, we drank and laughed a lot. It goes on for a few days, but I usually only can handle one day. hehe! I just can’t party like I used to..and I don’t care to. Buzz and I are continuing to hike as much as we can. I took some pics to share. We got rained on a little bit… just some sprinkles and it was chilly that day..we went early in the morning and it was only 55 degrees. A nice change I must say! 🙂 It’s warming up in the desert…90’s for a few days then back to the 80’s. So nice! Here are some pics I have taken lately. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!!




Hey hey everyone..happy Monday! 🙂 Did you all have a nice Easter? Mine was really great. I always love spending quality time with my family, I am very blessed. It was so beautiful outside, we sat on the patio and enjoyed the weather. We had some really delicious food and I had a few mimosas. Yum! Buzz made me some protein pancakes in the morning with whipped cream, bananas and blueberries. Delish! Let’s just say I didn’t count calories yesterday ..ha! 😉 Today is back to the gym and we are also hitting the trails for another hike. After all that we have massages scheduled. Yay! Not a terrible Monday. 🙂 🙂 I have been up since 5 working in my office and getting a lot of things done. It’s amazing how much I can accomplish when I wake up that early. My dog wakes me every morning at 5:00…once I get up I can’t go back to sleep so why waste time lounging in bed. I rarely sleep in…but I do love my sleep!! I am an early bird which means I go to bed pretty early too. I have never been a night owl…nor do I care to be. I love my mornings! Weird…??? Maybe!! Buzz bought a Fit Bit and I bought a Garmin. I am loving it so far..I find it so interesting tracking my sleep patterns, heart rate and steps. Of course it does a lot more than that..but that is what’s important to me. It’s pretty cool. So I told you about my tomato plant I bought at the farm..guess what? It has 4 little tomatoes on it already. WOOHOO..I hope they taste good. I am excited..I know it doesn’t take much to excite me. hehe! I am easy to please. Seriously the small things make me happy. Houses and cars are nice, but they don’t bring TRUE happiness!! (At least to me) Happiness comes from within yourself. No material things actually make me happy…well maybe shoes. LOL! Just kidding!!

Funny how things change in life!! How we change!!! The flowers that I planted..(well Buzz helped) are actually looking so pretty!! I took some pics to share. Everything is starting to bloom, I will share some more pics. Do you even care about flowers? hehe! Maybe not..but I do. 🙂 🙂 You probably would rather see boobs. Huh? 😉 I know I am all over the place today, maybe I had too much coffee!! 🙂 🙂 I only drink 1/2 a cup a day and today I actually drank the entire cup. Haha!!!

I hope you are enjoying your day…have a wonderful week ahead!!
