~Another Beautiful Day~

Good morning! And wow, it is a gorgeous morning! It is sunny and 64 degrees. I am working outside again today on my laptop so I can enjoy the awesome weather. Two of my dogs are hanging out with me..see pics. 🙂 They like it when I spend time outside with them. 🙂 Little cutie pies!

I need to get some work done today..and then run a few errands. I also NEED to hit the gym. I rented some movies last night and picked up a Subway sandwich. It was yummy! Way too much bread…way too many carbs. I will cardio for an hour today. OH Joy!!

I am off now to make some breakfast and get some work done. I hope you all have a great Thursday…the weekend is coming soon!!

~New Foxy Babe Added To Aziani~

Happy Hump Day!! I am feeling great today…I slept in BIG TIME! Wow..that was nice! My dogs didn’t even wake me up. Awesome! I am not sure of my plans today..I honestly don’t feel like being inside. It is so nice …in the 80’s. I might make a few calls and see if any of my g/f’s want to hang out …do some shopping or have lunch. I would love to go to the dog park or have a picnic…BUT shopping and lunch is always fun too!! Maybe I can do that next week. I am glad the weather is back to “normal!”

A new hottie was added to Aziani …a cute, adorable, naughty beauty… Corie Nixx! Check her out for yourself!! 🙂
Have a wonderful Wednesday ..enjoy!

The Wedding Was Awesome!

Hey everyone!! I am back in Arizona!! I had so much fun in California, but it is always nice to come home! 🙂 I spent yesterday in Hollywood, did some shopping and had lunch before I had to catch my flight. I got home last night and I was soooo tired. It was nice to snuggle next to my dogs. 🙂 I always miss them!

Here are a few pics from Lexxi’s wedding! It was awesome!! A perfect wedding/reception!! She was such a beautiful bride, but Lexxi is always beautiful!! 🙂 It was also Buzz’s birthday so we had 2 big reasons to celebrate!! 😉

Back to work for me today…I have so much to do. I hope you are enjoying your Tuesday so far!!

Yummy, I love a guy in a suit!! HOT stuff Buzz!

The sweet and sexy Savannah Stern!

The sister I never had!!

Naughty…hot Brooke Haven!!

Loving California!

Good afternoon!!! I am still in my hotel room snuggled up in bed. Wow..this bed is comfy!! Almost as comfortable as mine at home. I like that! 🙂 I need to get showered soon and hit the beach again today. It is a bit cooler today which is wonderful! Here are a few photos from yesterday/last night’s party. It was a really fun Saturday. Tonight is the wedding. I love weddings..and of course the receptions are always fun too. hehe! Woohoo..I can’t wait to get all dolled up!

A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BUZZ!!!!! Yippee..I love birthdays too. I will be sure to make sure and give him a big special b-day treat. ~hehe~

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!! Time for a long super hot shower!!