Month: April 2009

Pet Lovers…..

Good Tuesday morning! I woke up early this morning because I need to get a lot done. I was going over in my head all the things that I needed to do…and finally decided to just GET UP and do it! I wrote everything down and my list is pretty big today. The worst part is the dentist. YUK! Time to get my pearly whites cleaned.  FUN FUN! haha! I really really hate going to the dentist, but at least I don’t need any painful work done. I am lucky to have good teeth ..of course I have always taken care of them..but I still think genetics plays a role in that.

I ran across a good article that all you pet lovers should read. If you have a pet…you really should be aware of some dangerous/deadly foods. We love our furry friends so we want to keep them safe! 🙂

Have an awesome day everyone!


Monday already?

Good morning, I can’t believe it is Monday already …the weekends go too fast. Don’t they?

Did everyone have a nice Easter? I hope so! Mine was awesome! We spent the entire day outside, the weather was perfect and the food was delicious! 🙂 Here are a few photos..can you see the hummingbird? Ohhh they are so cute.

I have a lot of work to do today, but don’t feel like sitting in my office. It is way too nice outside!! So I am taking my work outside, I am working on my laptop enjoying the weather. Nice! I hope you all have a great day!! ENJOY!

Haha, that is my niece behind me..she is silly~

Look close …see the hummingbird?

~Happy Easter~

A big happy Easter to you all…. the people that celebrate it of course! I hope you have a great holiday with family and friends! I am leaving pretty early today. My family likes to get together early in the day and spend the entire day together. We will do an Easter egg hunt for my niece, she is so cute! 🙂 It will be a great day with lots of eating and great quality family time. I am making my famous mashed potatoes. YUMMY! That is all I have to bring this year…mom wanted to make everything else herself. Nice! The weather is great today, the rain is gone…and the sun is shinning…high of 79. Perfect weather for sitting outside..and searching for eggs. 🙂

My new photos are UP! They are a little different, but different is good!

I have to go now..time to peel the taters. 🙂 Have a fantastic Easter!


Hi everyone! I missed you this morning! I woke up around 8:00, started my laundry.. dishwasher and was  cooking for my dogs when my power went out. Uh oh! It was rainy really hard, but no lightning or thunder…so I am not really sure what happened. Weird! Any ways…not much to do when there is no electricity. I decided it would be fun to take a road trip up to the mountains. It was raining here in the valley so that usually means it is snowing in the high country. AND it was! It was beautiful. We had a nice lunch with an amazing view. It was COLD outside, so we stopped for some hot chocolate… with a splash of schnapps added to it. was so yummy! The temps were in the 30s’… Brrrr! I came home tonight and the electricity went out again! ugh! It is back now ..and hopefully will stay on the rest of the night. If not..I am prepared..I have lots of candles and flashlights. 🙂 Here are a few pics I took from this afternoon. was a really nice…. relaxing… peaceful Saturday. I hope you all have a great Saturday night. 🙂 Go have lots of fun!
