Month: April 2009

~All refreshed and ready for a new week ahead~

Ahhhh, I feel good today. I caught up on a bunch of work yesterday, made a nice yummy dinner and crashed early. I once again slept a lot of hours…and feel refreshed and energized. I love to sleep! ha! I do! Ask anyone that knows me..I am usually always the first to go to! Party pooper! Sleep is important to stay healthy!!

The convention was at a resort that was “pet friendly”…so of course I had to go visit all the doggies that were there. It really made me miss my dogs! Isn’t this dog adorable?? OMG! I have all big dogs so holding the little ones is always fun. I love them all! 🙂

It is super windy here today..uh oh…not good for allergies. I have been lucky so far. (knock on wood) 🙂
I will be around today working if you want to stop by my office cam and say HI!

I hope you have a Magnificiant Monday!!!! Enjoy~

Back To Work!!!!

Hey Hey!! I am back! 🙂 I am really really tired!! I had a great time at the show! It was nice to see some old friends and of course make new ones! A lot of eating, drinking and talking…wow! It is so quiet today, feels strange…it is nice to give my voice a break. 🙂 I love coming home to my doggies and my bed. I always miss them like crazy..but grandma and grandpa take good care of them. I have a busy Sunday…trying to catch up on work now. Fun Times..always fun memories! I took a ton of pics and am posting a few. 🙂 I will post the rest in my members area under my scrapbook section. I will try and do that in the next few days. I have a TON of emails to do now.

I hope you all have been enjoying your weekend!! It is so beautiful…70’s, sunny and a light breeze. I might have to head outside with my laptop and soak up some sun. Probably go to bed early tonight. I crashed last night at 8:30 and slept the entire night until 8:30. Guess I needed my beauty rest…only 12 hours of it! haha

Have a super Sunday!!!!!! ENJOY!


Hey …good morning!!! Wow..Thursday is here already! Yeah!!!!! I am leaving shortly to the airport to pick up my friend that is flying in from Canada. The convention starts today…should be a lot of FUN! And the weather is perfect!! I will be pretty busy the next few days, but I will be sure to stop by and say HI! My day just isn’t the same without chatting with you all. 🙂

A member wanted me to post the shoes I bought the other day…so here you go “JT”..I hope you like them. 🙂 I think he has a LITTLE foot fetish..hehe! That’s ok with me, feet need to be pampered and taken care of. I am up for a foot massage anytime! I think I like the red shoes the best, I find them to be the sexiest. Although the black ones are pretty hot too. They are actually more comfortable. Who am I kidding..high heels are not that comfortable ever. BUT they look so amazing on…they round out our butts and show off our legs. SEXXXY~~

I hope you have a great day…..I will be in touch! 🙂


Watch out…today is April Fools Day…uh oh~~~

Ha, be careful someone doesn’t play a nasty trick on you today…be on guard. 🙂
A big Happy Hump Day to you all! I still can’t believe it is APRIL! OMG..where does the time go? Crazy..every year goes faster!

I had so much fun yesterday. I shopped a lot! I didn’t find a whole lot of clothes..a few things. I did buy lots of shoes though. haha, shocking I know! I am such a shoe FREAK! I love shoes!!!!!!! I guess most girls do! 🙂 After I was done shopping I met my makeup artist for lunch. We went out for Mexican food and a margarita. YUM! I had a chicken taco …it was really delicious. I am trying to be good, but I must cheat sometimes. 😉
Last night, I relaxed by the fire with my doggies. Nice way to end the day….hanging with my babies.

Today is back to work!! Darn! I have a busy day ahead. The convention starts tomorrow …should be some crazy fun! I hope you all have a great day!!