~A Horned Lizard in my courtyard~

Hey…good morning all!! Did you make it through your Monday ok? They can be rough at times!! At least Tuesday has arrived, that means one day closer to the weekend. haha!

Yesterday one of my dogs was sitting by the patio door in complete concentration..stiff as a board. It was weird behavior from him… so I went over to see what he was looking at and it was this freaky looking lizard. In my opinion this lizard is not pretty, actually kind of scary looking. You think so too? I have never seen a lizard look like that before. Well of course I had to look it up on the web. That is what I do. hehe! I am curious about animals. I love them! I looked it up and it is called a Horned Lizard for obvious reasons…looks more like a crown to me. I figured this lizard was royality of some sort. LOL!…I am funny today! (at least to myself)  I am in rare form this morning. Feeling totally goofy!! Totally out of my character! Goofy can be fun too! Any way…I had to take a pic of this not- so- cute critter and share with you. Once again..that is what I do! 🙂

Today I am staying home all day to get some work done. I might walk on my treadmill for a bit …I would love to walk my dogs, but the temps are heating up again. I heard 105 today. Blah!! I would walk them tonight when it cools, but I have plans with one of my girlfriends…we are going to enjoy some wine and dinner at a new wine bar. Sounds good to me!! Girly time is always FUN!!
I hope you have a great Tuesday! ENJOY!

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