Month: August 2010

Back From Colorado!! And sharing a new photo update and Cam show archive too!

Good morning!! I hope you all had a great past few days! 🙂 I know I did! WOW…what can I say about my trip to Colorado? It was soooo awesome! Hanging out with amazing friends, riding in the beautiful mountains, enjoying gorgeous nature and eating at some delicious restaurants. The town I stayed in was tiny!! I am not used to that type of small town, but it was super cool. I felt like I was back in the late 1800’s. Lots of great history there. Everyone was so nice!! The temps were awesome…it was mostly in the 50’s-60’s, but did get in the 30’s as we climbed the mountains. Brrrrr!! It was refreshing though, felt so nice to be out of the desert! I did see lots of animals too, the whole trip was excellent!! I feel rejuvenated and ready to get back to work. Lots to do today..and I must go workout. Yikes …the food was yummy, but not exactly healthy. Will be hitting the gym hard!!

My new photos updated while I was gone and I also uploaded my last members only cam show. Soooo be sure to check them both out when you have time. 😉
I am off to work work work now!!! ENJOY your Hump Day!



Good morning everyone!!! Wow..Thursday already! This week by so fast…probably because I was super busy. Today I have a few  little projects to finish up on my computer and I need to start packing for my trip. I also need to prepare all my dogs meals ..oh yuk..that is so time consuming. But worth it!! My angels eat perfect and it shows! They are so healthy and happy..which makes me happy. 🙂 It will be really nice to get away for awhile…escape the desert heat. I love Colorado..I could see myself living there someday. Well at least part of the year. 😉

THANKS for a fun cam show last night, you guys are the best! I am so lucky to have such awesome people in my life …you guys make me smile! Oh..and you make me cum too! hehe! Doesn’t get any better than that. 🙂 I loved getting dolled up in my sexy school girl outfit, my skirt was a little big. One size does NOT fit all. What is that all about? lol!

I hope you have a great Thursday!!! I am bringing my laptop to CO so I can check in with you! 🙂 ENJOY your day!

~Cam Show Tonight~

Woohoo, it is going to be a fun Wednesday night!!! Why? Cause I get to play and get naughty with you in my cam show tonight. Yay!! I am going to get dolled up in my school girl outfit..can’t wait!! See you tonight! I am in such a great mood today..slept soooo good and feeling happy! We had a nice little monsoon hit last brought some much needed rain and a little thunder too. It was very relaxing to sit on the patio and listen to the rain..and I love the way it smells. When it rained in NE it always smelt like worms. lol! Well sometimes it did. Yuk! Speaking of NE, looks like I won’t be taking a trip to the East coast this year. 🙁 BUMMER! I might plan it for Oct of next year. I think that would ultimately be better timing for me.

I need to take my car in for an oil change this morning and go over to the porn store to pick up a few things to complete my school girl outfit. Perhaps I will treat myself to some new sex toys too! Mmmm I am so horny this morning!! Watch out guys..I am going to rock your world tonight..and you are going to rock mine! See you at 6:00pst/9:00est!!!

Have a fabulous day..make it a great hump day! 😉 ~wink~


A busy and productive day ahead!!

Hey everyone..good morning!! Feeling refreshed after a great nights sleep!! Ahhh love that! I am off most of the day today to run errands which is ok with me. I don’t think it is supposed to be as hot and I think we might even get some rain. I am hoping!!

Enjoy a wonderful Tuesday!! Create a great day! 🙂

See you tomorrow for my members only cam show! ~Yippee~

Here are a few pics from Friday night!!


Hanging with some g/f’s..Cheers!

A little upskirt action..Chica flashing her sexy panties!