Month: August 2010

Happy Horses!

Good morning! I hope you are enjoying your hump day! 🙂 I am loving this busy week so far. haha, joking of course. The last two day have been nuts, but today I can breathe a little easier.

My friend that runs an animal rescue emailed me with some good news. He works really hard to help abused and abandoned animals. What a great guy with a huge heart! 🙂 Mama horse came to him very skinny with bad hips, she was even was dragging her back legs like she had a stroke. He almost put her down, but gave her more time to recover. Good thing he did!! She had a baby… and now baby Cherry and mama SanTee are doing great!! They are both on the road to success!! Yay! I can’t wait to have my own shelter someday! I will, I will! 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your day!!!


~Have A Great Day~

Good morning!! Monday was NUTS! Yikes! Glad it is over. Geesh! Today is another busy day, I have 50 million things to go do. Well …maybe not quite that much. ha! 😉 As I was relaxing on my couch Sunday a Dove flew right into my back window. OUCH! It was loud and the bird went crashing to the ground. I went out later to check on it, the bird couldn’t fly. This has happened before and they always end up flying away after awhile. Monday night I checked my backyard and thought the bird flew away. Nope! Yesterday morning I found it …the bird was in bad shape. There was some blood on its face and it still couldn’t fly. I found a bird rescue and delivered the Dove yesterday. It wasn’t exactly easy to catch, fast little guy. lol! I hope the bird will survive!! Poor thing! Never a dull moment around here that’s for sure. 🙂

I am off now ..I hope you enjoy your Tuesday!!

Whoa…a busy Monday ahead

Hey everyone..good morning! Happy Monday to you all!! Did you enjoy your weekend? Mine was interesting to say the least..a little drama, a little relaxation and a little fun. Actually I was a couch potato yesterday, I was lazy and enjoyed it a lot! I don’t get to do that very often so it was nice to recharge my batteries and get energized for the week ahead. 🙂

I finally got my new Iphone and have been playing around with it, I like it!! It has a flash now so my pics won’t be so dark anymore. Woohoo! And you know how I love to take pics. 🙂 I also bought a new little video camera that I will be carrying around in my purse so I can share some fun moments, sexy and naughty ones with you!!! I will post them to my is called a bloggie. 🙂

I have a really busy day today so I need to get started. I hope you enjoy your Monday!