~~ 8 Crazy Ways To Use Vodka ~~

Good morning…TGIF everyone!! I hope you have a wonderful Friday!! I have lots of work and errands planned ..it is going to be a busy day for me.

I was at the gym yesterday and picked up a local “health” magazine. I enjoy them for the recipes and workout tips. I ran across an article that I had to share with you. It made me laugh a little bit. Vodka is my alcohol of choice…and it seems to do more than just get people drunk. lol! The article is called “8 crazy ways to use vodka”..here they are

Add to your shampoo for shiny hair… repels insects… perks up flowers… shines glass, porcelain and chrome… stops rust… loses clothing odors…  dissolves adhesives… and treats poison ivy! Who knew? LOL! I AM A FAN! hehe! Just found it interesting that it was in a health magazine.

Have a fantastic Friday…create a great day!! 😉 😉

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