Month: November 2010

A busy hump day!!

Hey everyone! I hope you are enjoying your hump day!! 🙂 I had a doc appointment this morning, stopped for lunch and just got home. Now time to get some work done…even though I don’t feel like working today. It is such a beautiful day..warm and sunny. Not a cloud in the sky!! My tooth is feeling better, I am using some home remedies that are amazing! I find that putting a little vanilla extract on the tooth that hurts takes the pain away for hours!! You know what else works? Onion!! Doesn’t quite smell as good as the vanilla extract, but it does work. I can’t get into the dentist until next week. Bummer!

Here are a few pics from yesterday…hehe! I found that the voting stickers worked well as pasties. lol! Well they could have been a bit bigger! Story of my life! ha!! 😉

I am off now, I have lots to do. Create a great day everyone!


November 2nd…be sure to vote today!

Good morning! Voting day has arrived!! Be sure to get out there and cast your vote!! I read all the Arizona props in detail and have made my decisions. Some of them were a little confusing… but Buzz “my political analyst” helped explain them to me. hehe! He loves to talk politics!!

I had a wonderful 13th Year Anniversary!! We went out to dinner at a restaurant called Flemings. I had a steak, potato, salad and wine. One of my favorite meals ever! It was so yum! We also went to see the movie Wall Street. It was good, but the first one was a lot better. We had a very romantic and sexy night together. 😉

Today I am swamped! My to-do list is huge! I woke up with a toothache so I think I need to schedule a dentist appointment soon. I dread going to the dentist!! YUK!!! Oh well…at least my dentist is cute, that helps a little bit. lol!

Have a fantastic day everyone!! ENJOY!

Happy Anniversary To Me….And Buzz Too!!!

Good morning! Ohhh it is going to be a great day. It has already been a great morning! It’s my Anniversary today so I am extra happy..feeling very blessed! 🙂 It is a beautiful day outside..80’s and sunny. Exactly how it was 13 years ago when I got married. Love is in the air! 🙂 🙂 I plan on spending this special day with my sweetheart and going out for a nice dinner tonight. I have to say I am so glad to see November arrive. October had some challenges. Whew!

I hope you all had a fun Halloween!! Mine was pretty quiet…I handed out candy, made some dinner and watched HBO shows. Overall my weekend was very relaxing and I like that.

My girlfriend Chica and I took some very sexy photos that I hope you will enjoy! I don’t take pics with girls much…I only do what I am comfortable doing and who I am comfortable being around. AND I love Chica…she is such a beautiful person inside and out!! 🙂

Have a fabulous November 1st!! THANKS so much for the Happy Anniversary wishes! XOXO
