Month: November 2010

Off for the day…

Good Sunday morning! Are you enjoying your weekend so far? I hope so!!! It is another beautiful day in the desert! I am going to open my windows and do some cleaning. I love love love having the a/c off finally!! 🙂 I found some awesome fabric yesterday ..I can’t wait to see the finished curtains. 🙂 I spent the afternoon/evening with my parents. We had fun! We ate some Italian food and went back to their house for some Sangria’s. It was nice family time which I always adore. 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!! Talk more tomorrow!! 😉



Hey everyone..I hope you are enjoying your Saturday so far!! My morning has been amazing!! SEX, FOOD, MORE SEX AND MORE FOOD!! LOL I could not have asked for a better way to start my weekend. Yummmmm to both! 😉 I am leaving soon for the day. I am going fabric shopping..doesn’t that sound exciting? ha! I hired a lady to help me put up some curtains in my house so I need to meet her to pick out fabrics. The fabric store she wants to meet at is right by my parents house so I am heading over there to spend the day with them. We are going out to eat and probably will enjoy a cocktail or two outside on their back patio. It is soooooo nice outside…70’s and sunny! Looks like my typical Saturday chores will wait until tomorrow.

My new photos went up this morning……check them out when you have time!! Muahhhhh love you guys! Have a super Saturday!


~~ 8 Crazy Ways To Use Vodka ~~

Good morning…TGIF everyone!! I hope you have a wonderful Friday!! I have lots of work and errands planned is going to be a busy day for me.

I was at the gym yesterday and picked up a local “health” magazine. I enjoy them for the recipes and workout tips. I ran across an article that I had to share with you. It made me laugh a little bit. Vodka is my alcohol of choice…and it seems to do more than just get people drunk. lol! The article is called “8 crazy ways to use vodka” they are

Add to your shampoo for shiny hair… repels insects… perks up flowers… shines glass, porcelain and chrome… stops rust… loses clothing odors…  dissolves adhesives… and treats poison ivy! Who knew? LOL! I AM A FAN! hehe! Just found it interesting that it was in a health magazine.

Have a fantastic Friday…create a great day!! 😉 😉


Good morning!!! Another night of wonderful dreams and sleeping like a baby. I love that! I think sleeping with the windows open helps, I like snuggling up with lots of pillows and’s so comfy! 🙂 Happy Veterans Day! I send a BIG THANK YOU to the past, the present and the future soldiers! Freedom is not free!!

I took my dogs to the vet yesterday. My little guy needed his rabies shot and one of my other dogs ended up having a yeast infection in his mouth. How gross is that? Yuk! I took him in because his breath was horrible!! I was hoping it was not a bad tooth or something wrong with his gums..something more serious. AND it wasn’t. Whew! He got some good meds to cure it. Yay! I had no idea dogs could even get that. Weird!

Chica and Dave came over last night to celebrate the USMC birthday! We celebrated with a few cocktails and enjoyed the warmth of the fire pit.

Cheers to our Marines! 🙂

The weather is absolutely awesome!!! (70’s during the day and 40’s at night) NICE!

I hope you all have a great day!!!
