Month: December 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!!!

Good morning!!! Christmas Eve has arrived and I have a million things to do. I am going to throw on a hat and run my errands now…hopefully miss the crowds. Seems every year I wait until the last minute to pick up certain things..guess it is a tradition. lol!! I have lots of preparing and cooking to do for tomorrow. I am having my family and friends at my house this of course I want everything to be perfect. I am so anal..such a perfectionist and sometimes that works against me. Oh well! Tonight is easy..we are going out for a big Italian feast. 🙂 We not only celebrate Xmas Eve, but a family birthday. 🙂 I wish you all a very Merry Christmas Eve!! Be safe and have lots of fun!! ~~ Cheers ~~

Here is a pic from several years ago..looks like I need to update the sexy santa photo set..maybe next year.  😉

Enjoy your holiday!!! Be good to yourself and be good to others!


*****Merry Christmas From Aziani*****

Good morning!! Looks like the rain might be over. We had so much rain yesterday..on and off all day and even into the night. The thunder and lightning woke me up once..and one of my dogs wanted to go out. He put one paw out in the rain and turned right back around. Ha! Guess he didn’t have to go that bad. lol! I see blue sky today, time to dry things out. 🙂

The entire gang at Aziani wants to wish you a Merry Christmas & Very Happy New Year!! The lovely Shay Laren is our sexy holiday model this year. I love Shay, she is one of the best!!! 😉 You can see more of her @

Today we are going to spend some time with Buzz’s grandpa, he is visiting from Nebraska. Create a great day everyone!! ENJOY!


~~~Happy Happy Hump Day~~~

Wow..another rainy day in the desert. I think tomorrow the sun is supposed to shine again. 🙂 I played yesterday so today I have to get some work done. I had a fun afternoon with mom …we had a nice lunch and went shopping. Can never complain about that. 🙂 I did find a few sweaters, that’s really all I wanted. I held myself back from buying shoes. It was hard, but I did it. lol! I am such a “shoeaholic”…better than an alcoholic. ha!

Last night I wrapped all my gifts so I am pretty much ready for Christmas…I still need to pick up a few goodies at the grocery store. I am excited for Christmas!! Christmas Eve will be fun too, we are going out to dinner for a family birthday. I made reservations several weeks ago. They called me yesterday and told me that we have a time limit of 2 hours. I thought that was a little weird, but I guess I understand. Some people sit around for hours after they eat and chit chat..while others are trying to get tables. I always try and be thoughtful of others, but unfortunately not everyone does.

Last night I finished one of my house projects that I have been working on. Whew! I can’t wait to fill my new Claw foot bathtub up with lots of bubbles and shoot for you guys!!! This bathroom turned out even better than I imagined. I am very happy with the way it looks. 🙂 On to the next project.

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!!! I will be home working all day so be sure to stop by and say HI!!


**Off for the day**

Good morning!! I am feeling great today..I get to go shopping and have lunch with my mom. 🙂 Her birthday was last week and I didn’t get to see her because she was partying in Las Vegas with my dad. So today I am going to treat her to a nice lunch and she is going to finish her Christmas shopping. I am done!! I think I might buy a new outfit for Christmas day. Maybe a few new sweaters or dress. ?? See what I can find. It is another rainy day..kind of weird waking up to clouds again in the desert. It is supposed to rain the next few days. That always means snow in the mountains. I am planning a trip to the mountains after the holiday to go play in the snow. Woohoo!

Here are a few future updates coming your way!! 🙂 Have a GREAT day everyone!!! ENJOY! 😉
