Month: December 2010

Yippee…it’s Friday!!

Good morning peeps!! A big happy Friday to you! 🙂 Yay! I am going to start my playtime a little early this weekend!! After a day like yesterday, I deserve it. 😉 What a Thursday! ~Whew~  I have a business lunch meeting this afternoon and after that I am heading out to shop! I am going to pick up some Christmas decor and hopefully some more gifts. I am going to get my tree either Saturday or Sunday. I have a lot planned this weekend..some fun and work both. I just know I am going to make today FUN FUN FUN! We’ll see what the rest of the weekend will bring. It is supposed to be in the high 70’s- low 80’s! Wow…marvelous weather, wouldn’t you say? 🙂 🙂

I snapped a pic of the sunset last night as I driving home..isn’t it beautiful? It was even prettier in person! I am always fascinated by the sunsets here in Arizona..they are some of the best in the world!!

Cheers everyone, enjoy your Friday!

~~~Welcome New Blonde Beauty To Aziani~~~

Happy Hump Day! A big good morning to you! 🙂 I hope you all have a great day ahead.

I am busy today working. I am going to try and take a couple hours off to workout this afternoon if I can, but I have a gut feeling today is not going to happen. Usually my gut feelings are right. 😉 Plan B is to take my dogs for a nice long walk instead. The weather is so amazing right now…. I am in heaven, I just love it! Tonight I invited my neighbors over for a holiday cookout. It’s nice because they can have some cocktails and walk home. Or should I say “stumble?” lol!

Welcome Phoenix Marie to Aziani!! She is super-duper hot..and omg very naughty! You’ll see! You won’t be disappointed. 😉
ENJOY your day!

Another Live Aziani Shoot Today!!!!

Good morning!! I hope you all have a super Tuesday!! 🙂 We are shooting again today..two Aziani hotties!! Be sure to stop by the “behind the scenes” shoot. 😉 Just click the link inside the members area that says “Live Shoot”..pretty self explanatory. 🙂 🙂 It is a gorgeous day to shoot outside too..74 and sunny! It is going to be a fantastic day ahead!!

I am off…lots to do. Create a great day!

A busy Monday ahead…

Good morning, afternoon or evening depending where you are!! 🙂 I hope you had an awesome weekend! Monday comes soooo fast, doesn’t it? I have a busy day ahead..lots of work to do and errands to run. It is beautiful outside…75 and sunny. Makes it hard to stay inside and work. At least I get to run errands and enjoy the weather a bit. I need to leash up my dogs and take them for a walk..perfect walking weather for them too!! 🙂

I had fun with Chica and Mary Carey last night. Good food, drinks and lots of laughs!! 🙂 🙂 Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
Create a great day!