Month: May 2011

Exciting Stuff Happening!!

Good morning!! Happy Saturday!! I woke up and walked straight to the treadmill this morning..I enjoyed an hour of cardio. Not really, but I feel great! Glad I got that out of the way. I have a busy day ahead..but fun. 🙂

My new sexy video went live this morning!! Check it out!! 😉

Also Buzz is shooting some HOT HOT HOT babes for the next 5 days in a row. I know it’s a tough job..but somebody has to do it. ~haha~ Be sure to stop by the “behind the scenes” shoots starting today! Just log into the members area click the banner. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend..get out and have lots of fun!


Woohoo..Friday has arrived! ;)

Hey are you all doing?? I hope good!! 🙂 I am happy to see Friday arrive. I am heading out to get a pedicure and to the gym this afternoon..but most of the day I will be working. At least I can say I love my work..I love my job!! 😉
Look at the mess I saw first thing when I walked into my office! Silly dogs! Not sure who did this, but it sure looks like they had fun. I have two dogs that love to shred paper, kleenex, toilet paper…whatever they can sink their teeth into. Looks like I need to buy some bones. lol I ordered a pair of shoes and they arrived yesterday, I didn’t think I needed to put the box away…crazy doggies! If you girls love shoes (like I do) you really should check out Shoe Dazzle. It’s pretty awesome! I just love these olive bootie shoes ..they will go perfect with my camo pants.

Create a great day everyone!! Enjoy!

I Love Apple!!!

Morning peeps!! I must explain what happened to me at the Apple Store yesterday. I had set up an appointment with the “Genius Bar” and waited ..and waited..and waited. I finally did get some help and the guy felt terrible that I waited so long. Realistically it wasn’t THAT long. I am a very patient person and I understand when people are busy. I am not the demanding type… I understand I am not the most important person in the room. Too bad everyone doesn’t feel that way..the world would be a better place. The guy apologized for the wait and actually thanked me for being so understanding. I showed him my very badly broken up Iphone. 🙁 I dropped it one night and broke the back…not a huge deal, but the next day I dropped it again and broke the front. They are slippery little suckers! Buzz dropped his a few days after that and broke the back of his. Oh my! The guy was so nice and said he would replace my phone for free. Wow! But wait..that’s not all, he replaced Buzz’s back piece for free too. I was happy to have saved 230.00 that visit. A big thanks to Apple and their awesome customer service. 🙂 🙂

I have to admit yesterday was a weird day…in a “good” way. We went out to dinner and did a little shopping at the mall… there was some serious goodness and positivity going on. It was great! 🙂

I have another busy day today… so I should stop my babbling. I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday! ENJOY!

*Angie Savage Back At Aziani*

Good morning peeps!! Happy Hump Day! I am sooooo sore this morning. Omg! I worked out for 2 hours yesterday. I started a new workout plan last week and it takes 1.5-2 hours a day. Ohhh so long! I feel it big time..ouch! The 4th day is rest I know why. I did try a new gym yesterday, it is way “fancy pants.” It has a nail/hair salon & even a restaurant in the that pretty much tells you what kind of gym it is. It is so nice!! It is very expensive though. It was nice working out in a new scenery, but I must go back to my boring ole gym. lol! gym is cool..I especially like the movie theater room. 🙂

I met up with my girlfriend Chica for dinner and drinks last times as usual!!! We planned our next shoot and also our next camping trip. Yay! 🙂 🙂

The very sexy Angie Savage is back with Aziani…be sure to check her hot ass out here

If you want to see more of Angie.. check her out here

I have a busy work day today..I am heading to the mall tonight and also to the Apple store. My Iphone broke ..uh oh! Slippery little sucker.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!