Month: May 2011


Good morning all you awesome peeps!! 🙂 Are you enjoying your Tuesday so far ?? I hope so!! I was swamped yesterday! Talk about a busy Monday. Whew! Must love Mondays! ha! Today I am getting my work out of the way and heading out to the gym after that. I am going to try a new gym the tour thing and get in a workout. Not quite sure this gym is my style, but I am willing to try it. I am not 100 percent sure, but I think I am going out to lunch after that…a healthy one of course.;)

I was at the park a few days ago and had to take a photo of these precious Geese…look at all their babies!!! So cute! Yet another sign Spring has arrived. I just adore and love all animals. 🙂 🙂

Create a great day!!!

Thought for the day…“You can’t let praise or criticism get to you. It’s a weakness to get caught up in either one.”

Create A Great Monday!!

Good morning!! I hope you  had a great weekend..and also a nice Mothers Day!! 🙂 I had a really nice day with my family. We ate a monster brunch… enjoyed some Mimosas and Bloody Marys too. I worked out for 2 hours yesterday so I could indulge in way too many calories. Everything was so delicious..especially the waffles with strawberries and whipped cream..WOW!! After that we pretty much spent the entire afternoon in the pool. Two of my dogs got in and played fetch and swam like fish. The first swim of the year. The water was chilly took some time to get used to. Today the temps cooled back in the low 80’s. that! 🙂 I have a busy work day ahead so off I go….. OH and I did schedule my next members cam show for May 25th!!! Hope you can make it!!

ENJOY your Monday!!! 🙂 🙂



Happy Mother’s Day to all you awesome moms!!! 🙂 I hope you have a fun day with your family & friends!! And if you are not a mom…have a great day too! I am having my family over for brunch today…I bought a bunch of food at the grocery store yesterday including mimosas. Yum! It’s going to be quite the feast. I MUST go to the gym today, but after drinking a mimosa it doesn’t make much sense. lol! So I will go before brunch. I figure after that I will relax in the pool and work on my tan. It is hot again today and the water is warm enough to jump into…well not “warm”, but not cold either. The water will for sure keep my nipples hard. 😉
I added my new photos yesterday so be sure to check them out! 🙂 🙂

Have a magnificent day..and cheers to all the wonderful mothers!!


~~Sexy Aziani Model~~

Good morning! Hope your Saturday is great so far! 🙂 I am happy the weekend is here. I want some serious R & R! I worked all day yesterday learning something new…it went good. Today I have to finish up this particular project, go to the gym and finally I can relax in the pool. I am going to try and get in the water for the first time this year. I think it is pretty chilly still, but I can handle it. 🙂 I had a massage yesterday and wow I hurt a little bit today. She was rough, but I liked it. (ha, that sounds very naughty) 😉 My back feels pretty sore, I think I will request her from now on. Don’t forget tomorrow is Mothers Day!! I think we are having a cookout and chilling in the pool. Like I said..lots of R & R this weekend. The sexy Laura Lee is back at Aziani again!! Damn this girl has a body built for a bikini, doesn’t she? WOW! Hot Stuff!

Have a wonderful weekend..get out and enjoy!

