Month: June 2012

Baby Bobcats

Ohhh how cute! Look what I saw in my tree this morning? Two baby bobcats..look close, one is kind of hiding. 🙂 It kind of made me a little nervous thinking momma bobcat might be close so I put my dogs inside..although I don’t think she would attack. Would she?

It is Chica’s birthday today so we are going out to celebrate. This will be my 6th night in a row out. Whew! I am taking Thursday off and then going out again on Friday and Saturday…it’s kind of nice to stay busy. Sunday will have to be my relax day! 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful hump day! Enjoy!


Lots Of Goodies!!

Good morning! I am starting to feel better, when I woke up this morning I felt more like myself! Yay! My family is coming over tonight and we are heading to my friend’s Mexican restaurant for dinner…should be fun! 🙂

I am keeping busy working, I really need to catch up now that I can finally concentrate.

It is sooo hot here..112 yesterday and 107 today, I need to plan a camping trip to the mountains to escape the heat. My dogs would love that too!

I had some new photos go up that you must check out when you have time!! I really hope you like them! 😉

Two of my girlfriends have opened new sites that you MUST check out as well! They are gorgeous, smart, sweet and naughty! They have the entire package!! You will love them both! I do! 🙂 🙂

I hope you have a great Tuesday!! Make it great!


Hello! :)

Hi guys!! After taking some much needed time off..I am here to say hello!! I am doing ok..some days are better than others. I just adore my family, friends and fans for helping me deal with this..thanks again to everyone for your loving support! It means the world to me!! 🙂 I did get out and enjoy some fun this weekend. I had a pedicure, massage and went shopping. 🙂 Saturday night I went out with Jewels Jade for a delicious dinner, a new steak house called Dominicks just opened recently and wow it was fabulous! Yesterday I went swimming with my dogs for a few hours then spent the afternoon with my family and celebrated Fathers Day. My dad was glued to the TV watching golf so us girls hung out and laughed a lot! My aunt is in town and she is a riot! I have dinner plans tonight and again on Tuesday..whew, lots of eating going on over here! I haven’t been to the gym in a week so I am going to go work out today. Should help with all the stress that I have been under.

Here are a few pics from the weekend! Love you guys a lot!!



Sexy toes!

My favorite bartender trying to cheer me up! 🙂

Thank you to Heynow, Allie & Jake, Terry & Kristine!!

My pet fish..LOL

Tony’s eyes match my dress (hehe) one of my fav restaurants.

Having dinner at Dominicks with the SEXY Jewels Jade!

~RIP Josie~

My precious dog lost her battle with cancer yesterday. I took her to the vet on Monday and she was diagnosed with Leukemia as well as Lymphoma. Her cancer had spread into her bone marrow. She was doing so good so it was a bit shocking. I am just glad I had those extra weeks with her being healthy and happy. Yesterday she started bleeding through her nose and mouth, the vet told us it was time to say goodbye. She was dying! It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do!! I will miss and think of her every day of my life. If you are an animal lover you will understand the pain of losing a pet. She was part of my family, she was very special and she will always have a special place in my heart. I need to take some time and mourn…I am completely heartbroken. I know it will get easier, I have been through this before back in 2004 with my first dog Buster. (see below) Now I have 3 other babies that need me, I hope they don’t miss her too much. Josie was the alpha dog so it will be interesting to see who takes charge.

I want to thank you all for your loving support. You have no idea how much that helps me! I appreciate your thoughts, prayers and positive vibes sent my way. So thank you for being a part of my life!

I wanted to share some photos of my little angel.

Have a nice you guys!
