Month: June 2012

~~New Aziani Angel~~

Good morning!! I was feeling a little yuk when I woke up, but feeling better now. 🙂 Gotta love Mondays! HA! My week is not too crazy busy which I am very happy about. Yay!

The new Aziani Angel is Randy Moore, she is HOT! I can see why you guys like her so much. 😉 Be sure to vote for the new angel, all 4 babes are available to vote for!! Check them out here

Create a great day peeps! Enjoy! 😉

New Pics =)

Good morning peeps! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend so far!! My Saturday started off a little sad..I went to a funeral, obviously those are never fun. Ughhh! After that I went over their house for food and’s so nice to have support from family and friends. 🙂 The day did get better, I went to a local farm to buy some tomatoes, corn, watermelon and a bunch of other veggies. Yum! It was family day so it was cute watching all the little kids play. Today I am going to finish my laundry and relax in the pool. I am planning to make BLT’s and corn for dinner. Super delish! 🙂

My new photos updated yesterday so be sure to check them out when you can!! I hope you like them! 😉

Have a great Sunday!! ENJOY! See you Wednesday for my members cam show!


Thank you Stephen!

Good morning! I have been up since 6:00 working my ass off. I knew today was going to be busy..but geeesh! It’s ok ..I want to be able to enjoy my weekend away from my computer. 😉

I want to thank Stephen for the gifts!! Besides the wand I got some sexy Steve Madden heels that I absolutely love!!! Thank you so much!!!!! I love Steve Madden shoes, they fit my feet perfectly because I have a super high arch. Can’t wait to wear them and also get naughty with my “massager.” hehe!

I am off soon to take my dog for her chemo treatment. I will probably take her to run a few errands with me. She has been hanging out with me more lately, I even took her out to dinner with me the other night. People were giving her lots of love! I love animal lovers! 🙂 🙂 I think it says something about the person. Ya think?

Have a great Friday everyone..enjoy!!!
