Month: December 2012

~~Naughty Christmas Pics~~


Good morning everyone! Did you have a nice weekend?? I had a great time playing in the snow! It literally snowed ALL day Saturday, it was so beautiful! 🙂 We did some riding during the day, then in the evening we went to one of the bars and danced for hours. At least us girls did … 🙂 My calves are so sore today I can barely walk. It was such a fun weekend away! I will post some pics…my g/f had her camera and took a bunch of pics that she is going to send over to me. But in the meantime…my sexy Christmas photos went up in my members area over the weekend!! I hope you like them!! Thank you Stephen for the sexy outfit, thigh highs and toys!! The video will be coming out this Saturday. 🙂

My week is super busy… I have appointments every day except today. I have lots of work to do today!! I love Mondays! haha! 😉

ENJOY your day peeps!!


*Let It Snow*

Yay..Friday has arrived!! It’s feeling like Christmas around here! We had a storm last night with lots of rain, thunder and lightning which made for a long night since one of my dogs is scared of thunder. Ughh I stayed awake with him for several hours so I am a little sleepy today. Someone mentioned I should buy him a Thundershirt…anyone know if they really work? I am willing to try! Poor baby!!

Lots of snow is falling in Northern AZ which is awesome..I am so ready to go play in it for the weekend! I just hope the roads will be safe for traveling or we probably won’t go. We are planning to meet my neighbors and friends up there for lots of fun! Time to get out the warm winter clothes! 🙂 🙂

I hope you enjoy your weekend!! Here are a few more pics I wanted to share..can you tell I am in the holiday spirit? Hehe!






My little escape artist!

Happy Thursday!! I am on a roll this week…getting so much work done. Not only on my computer, but personal stuff too. 🙂 Love that! Yesterday I had a little drama and you know I hate drama. Mia escaped from my backyard!! I didn’t even know she was gone until one of my neighbors called and said she was at his house. She jumped my wall…which is big!! I had no idea she would ever think of doing that OR could even jump that high. After that little stunt I think I figured out how she ended up at the shelter! I bet she ran away and got lost..she was picked up as a stray. I find it strange that her family didn’t look for her, she is such an amazing dog. But of course I am only speculating on what could have happened. I need to make some adjustments to my backyard now. I will not let her out of my sight until I do..kind of sucks that I have to worry about her escaping my backyard. I am not sure why she did that…but she is really friendly so I think she heard people or maybe saw another dog? She wanted to play and say hello! I need to get her out at the dog park more! It was scary! I am glad she is ok and so lucky to have great neighbors! 🙂

It’s supposed to rain tonight and get cold!! Lots of snow is supposed to hit in the mountains so we are debating going North to play in the snow over the weekend! That sounds really fun as long as I have a nice warm bed to sleep in. 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday..see you next Thursday for my members cam show!!



Mia loves to lounge in the sun!

And also snuggle in my down comforter! 🙂




Happy 12-12-12!! I heard the world is coming to an end on 12-21-12. Ha! That doesn’t give me much time to do all the things on my bucket list. hehe! I am just being silly! Everyone has a right to believe and feel the way they do! I am not one to judge…but I really hope it doesn’t end!! Life is too good and I have so much to accomplish still. 🙂 🙂

I had a great lunch with my g/f yesterday…we shared a pizza and salad. Soooo yum! I walked it off at the mall and I almost finished all my Christmas shopping! Yay! It started to get busy out…that is when I decided enough was enough. I did find 2 super sexy outfits to shoot in!! 😉

Not much going on with me today…a typical work day ahead. It is supposed to get chilly in the desert starting tomorrow..with rain even!! I had plans on Saturday that I might have to change now. I think winter might actually be arriving! Here is a pic from the other night sitting around my fire…love love love that! I wish I could roast marshmallows but that might make a mess since it’s filled with glass. I was thinking of buying a little wood burning one for my backyard… I love the way they smell and then I can roast some delicious treats!

Create a great day!! See you next Thursday for my members cam show!!
