Month: July 2013

Camping pics!

Happy Friday! Anything exciting happening this weekend?? Whatever you do make it great fun!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I am going to a bodybuilding contest tomorrow night..dinner and drinks too! Should be a good time watching all those hot bods parade on stage. I have so much respect for those takes a lot of dedication. Anyone can be thin or skinny, but to be fit and in shape takes a lot of hard work!

Here are a few pics that I took while camping last weekend, I have 3 sets coming soon!! And 2 new vids!! I can’t wait to go again…hopefully soon. Next time I want to stay longer and bring my laptop so I can work. Nothing like working out in nature, out in the middle of nowhere. Only certain camping spots have a connection, but I have found a few.  I am going to try and shoot some new sexy content for you all next week! Yay! 😉

Well I should go now, I have a busy work day! Enjoy your weekend!



~Smoking Hot New Aziani Model~

Good morning!! 🙂 Happy Hump Day!! I was up early this morning working away…already got my cardio out of the way. Yay! My day is not too busy …pretty much work, the gym and groceries. I am trying to think of something new to cook tonight. I might go search out some new recipes online.

Be sure to check out the new hot babe on Aziani. She is super cute and so sexy too..I love this outfit!! And the boots! Damn! Hot! 😉 You can see more of her here…

Have a fabulous day everyone…enjoy!!


New Sexy Video!!

Hey Hey everyone!! I hope you are enjoying your Tuesday so far!! 🙂 🙂 I have been up working since 6:00 and accomplishing so much already. Love that! I need to hit the treadmill shortly and get my sweat on! I am really loving my Nike Fuel Band…I don’t hit my goal every day, but most. I even raised it so now I just need to work out harder and more!

My new video went up on Saturday..I hope you like it. I love getting dolled up in sexy lingerie. (Thanks Stephen for the bra, panties and thigh highs) 😉

I am waiting for the rain and storm to hit this afternoon…Monsoon season is here!

Create a great day peeps!!


Camping Fun!!

Good morning!! How was your weekend?? Mine was awesome!! 🙂 I went camping up in the mountains on Friday and got home last night, it was GREAT to get away from the desert heat!! I need a break like that every once in awhile to recharge my batteries! hehe! I can’t explain how much I love being outdoors in nature, it makes me feel so happy. I just love the scenery, the smells and the peace & quiet too. 🙂 Friday afternoon a little rain came through which was nice actually. We sat under the RV awning and listened to the rain, talk about peaceful. Saturday and Sunday were beautiful..mostly sunny and in the 80’s. We hiked with the dogs, but Tony is getting a little older so we had to go slow for him. I really hate seeing my dogs age like that. Ugh! He will be 11 next month. Mia on the other hand is around 2 and she has so much energy. I took a lot of video of them playing, it was really cute. On Saturday I shot some pics and vids for you…I can’t wait to see them! I will get some pics from Buzz and post some!! We rode the Razor and cooked up some really delicious meals, maybe not the healthiest… but super yum! Eggs, bacon, pancakes, of course hot dogs on the fire ..I even made spaghetti and meatballs on Saturday night. Now that’s camping! LOL

A really fun weekend for sure! Here are a few pics! 😉

Speaking of not so healthy food…it’s time for me to cardio and burn off those extra cals! I hope you all enjoy your Monday! Make it great!