Month: July 2013

Happy 4th Of July!!

Good morning!! Happy 4th Of July America!!!! I hope you all have a safe and fun holiday!! 🙂 🙂

My pool guy is here cleaning my pool as we speak..good thing because after last night it looks a bit cloudy. We had some friends over and we hung out in the pool and had drinks…but before that we were hanging out at one of my favorite bars. We were sitting outside and it was HOT! Funny how our bodies adjust to the heat. I got a bit loopy and silly, made a few Vine videos…flashing ones. If you are wondering what Vine is a new phone App! Download it and follow me!! 🙂 I plan on doing lots of fun vids for you!

I invited some friends over this afternoon for a cookout and swimming of course! 🙂 I need to go get some goodies at the grocery store now so I am off!! ENJOY your Independence Day!!

See you tomorrow night for my members cam show! Love you guys!





New Aziani Babe!!

Good morning!! Happy Hump Day! 😉 My past few days have been so busy that I am happy to say today is NOT so crazy busy. I busted my ass and accomplished so much work and I also took care of some personal things that I have been putting off. Whew..I can breath better now. hehe! At least today I get to pamper myself with a massage and pedicure! Yay! Us girls need that ya know. 🙂

Is everyone ready for the 4th??? I can imagine lots of fun celebrations and parties are going to go on!! I don’t have any plans yet…I usually swim and cookout at my house. It’s so damn hot to do anything else. Luckily my house is higher in elevation and I get to see lots of fireworks in the city from my backyard.

Welcome the super sexy Kendall Karson to Aziani!! As you can see she is adorable and down right HOT! Enjoy her beauty here

I hope you all have a fab day!! See you Friday night for my members cam show! Woohoo!



July already??

Good morning!! Happy July 1st! I can’t believe how fast this year is going! Wow!! It is still steaming hot in the desert…a fire broke out about 2 hours from my house and 19 firefighters were killed. Soooo sad! My heart breaks for their family and friends..RIP to our heroes!! This excessive heat is coming to an end in the next few days and will be back to “normal” July 106 ish. Us desert rats know what we are in for and we choose to live here. My poor a/c is running non might shut off for a few minutes and then right back on. They are fairly new units so they work good! 🙂

I went to another pool party yesterday, we grilled out some yummy food and went swimming with our doggies. They have 2 dogs and Mia loves to play with them. My other dogs not so much… so they had the luxury of staying home sleeping in the nice cool house. It drives me nuts knowing some people leave their dogs outside in this heat! Ughhhhh!

I had a fun and adventurous weekend so back to work today! I have a pretty busy week planned out actually! Let the fun begin again on Friday night for my cam show! Yay..see you there!! 😉

I hope you are having a wonderful Monday so far! Sending love your way!
