Day: April 4, 2016

April has arrived =)

Good morning!! 🙂 Happy Monday ..I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was busy!!! I had a lot of personal stuff going on so it was nice to get that all out of the way. Yesterday I had a headache from HELL that would not go away!! Ugh! I am pretty sure it is sinus/allergy related. I didn’t let that stop me from anything…but let’s say it did suck. Feeling all better today. Wednesday I had a migraine which I usually only get 1-2 times a year. Buzz and I just got to the gym and 10 minutes into my workout I started seeing what I call lightning bolts. If you have ever had one you know what I mean. It sucks because even when you close your eyes you still see them. So needless to say Buzz had to walk me out of the gym and loaded me up on caffeine. It helps …he bought me a Coke and it was nasty. I don’t like soda at all. It is gross…but it did help!!! I was feeling pretty bad for a few hours. The crazy thing is the last time I had one it was March of 2015. I keep track of when I get them so somehow I think it might be once again allergy related. Weird, huh?

I went to a convention on Thursday afternoon and that was FUN!!! I love seeing old friends…we ate, we drank and laughed a lot. It goes on for a few days, but I usually only can handle one day. hehe! I just can’t party like I used to..and I don’t care to. Buzz and I are continuing to hike as much as we can. I took some pics to share. We got rained on a little bit… just some sprinkles and it was chilly that day..we went early in the morning and it was only 55 degrees. A nice change I must say! 🙂 It’s warming up in the desert…90’s for a few days then back to the 80’s. So nice! Here are some pics I have taken lately. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!!

