Day: May 13, 2019

*May Post*

Good morning, I don’t have much time to write…I am off to CrossFit soon. I am getting so much stronger and faster. You should see me jump rope! LOL! πŸ˜‰ Yes boobs are bouncing all over the place. No matter if I wear 2 sports just doesn’t help much. Did I mention I am getting new boobs soon?? I haven’t scheduled the surgery yet, but it will be after the summer. I had my first implants back in 2009. It is absolutely crazy to think it’s been 10 years!!!! Seriously..NUTS! Time goes soooo fast. I am going to go smaller quite a bit actually…these big boobs get in my way of working out. I am in full force workout mode. I have never felt this way my entire life and I have worked out since I was in my 20’s. Buzz and I are doing yoga, spin class, crossfit, biking the beach and also walking my dog (and sometimes cat) 2 miles daily. We are on the go – go – go. It’s great though, we are both getting into better shape. 50? What? πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

Hope all you awesome moms had a great Mothers Day!!!!! I talked to my mom and she won some money at the casino so she was happy. πŸ™‚ I miss her!! That is the hardest part about living in CA, I miss my family a lot. I need to plan a trip back there, but I don’t want to go in the summer when it’s so hot. They are coming to visit us in July or August to escape the AZ heat. This August it will be 2 years since we moved. Once again…wow, time flies. I am really liking the beach…I don’t want to move away from it YET! However our lease is up in August and we are looking at other beach areas. So much to explore here. It really is an amazing state. Yes it has it’s problems, but all places do. I am still counting down my days until I can move to the mountains.

Buzz and I went to a beach concert and it was so much fun. They had 3 stages set up so it was cool to listen to some old bands along with some new ones. We even ran into an old friend, it’s a small world!!

It’s been pretty cloudy most days here so we haven’t had much beach time, I did buy a new bikini so I am patiently waiting for the sun. It’s funny because when I used to shoot I seriously had probably close to 50 bikinis at one time. Silly…I know. Now I am down to 3. πŸ™‚ It will be 5 years in June that I retired from shooting. What a great 15 years!!!! YES 15! I started in June 1999 and retired in June 2014. I have so many great memories, but I don’t miss it. Things change…people change. What’s the saying. β€œChange is the only constant in life.” Most people resist included. However if you don’t change, you will never grow. You will never know what “could have been.” I can tell you that I am so happy we moved to Ca. It was the best decision at that time in our lives. I am also a big believer in timing! Buzz has wanted to move to Ca for so many years and I just didn’t think the timing was right. I suppose we never will know that…but what matters now is NOW! Live in the moment and be thankful for every day. πŸ™‚

Ok…enough babbling for now. I am off to sweat! hehe! Have a great day/week/month. Talk again in June probably. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
